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News Editor : Richard Muirhead MBBS MSc DA FRCA

Retired Associate Specialist,

Last edited 21 July 2020


This website is no longer edited as I retired from work over 6 years ago and have reached the age of 65.  It can be a very interesting role: are you interested? If so could you let myself or Mark know.

Writing and editing HTML is not really any more difficult than using a word processor. The tutorials that currently exist are detailed on the "resources" page, including my own "quickstart guide" for use by anyone interested. Further tutorials and help files will be listed there when available.

So you can quickly see what's new, the date alongside the category name shows the last edit.


The government has announce a pay rise of 2.8% for SAS and consultants, backdated to April.

Baroness Cumberlege’s NHS review has been published. Read about it at the official website.

Racism in medicine (14 February 2020). Read about it here.

There are new reports regarding Brexit ( 12 June 2020 ).

There is a new section for Coronavirus ( Covid-19 ) which has arrived in all its glory. There are a number of NHS and GP responses - see the appropriate section below. Emergency measures have been law, but are being relaxed. Testing is said to be being extended to health and care staff, but this seems largely of antigen presence: there are calls for antibody tests to be made widely available, but these are currently unreliable . Information about how it affects your contract may be found here.

The lack of PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment ) in the NHS remains dire. Current BMA advice will be in the Resources section. Medscape UK reports ( 07/04/2020 ) a Doctor's Association UK review.   Disposable coveralls are now being offered in place of gowns.  Should we all wear face masks all the time? There is some evidence of a protective effectSee also the recent( 18/04/2020 ) BMA survey and press release.  Read the  BMA advice regarding inadequate PPE.  There are reports of court action over PPE prevision. Evidence from China supports the view that adequate PPE prevents staff acquiring Covid-19 from patients. There are also reports that PPE is not designed to fit women.

Bullying and fatigue is reported and has led to an increase in burnout and other metal health problems. Government advice is being questioned.

Public Health England has published the 'missing' second part of its report on the impact of COVID-19 on BAME communities (16/06/2020). The delayed report is called  Beyond the data: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups and makes seven recommendations:

  • Improved data collection about ethnicity and religion, including on death certificates

  • More research with participation of BAME communities on risks and mitigation

  • Improving BAME groups' access, experiences, outcomes with NHS and other services

  • Developing 'culturally competent' occupational risk assessment tools

  • Developing culturally sensitive education and prevention campaigns

  • Targeted culturally sensitive health campaigns and disease prevention programmes

  • Ensuring that COVID-19 recovery strategies actively reduce inequalities for long-term, sustainable change.

The mental health of doctors continues to be an issue. See the results of the recent ( 01/06/2020 ) BMA survey.

Public Health England have published its review of susceptibility to Covid-19 and confirmed the increased risk to BAME persons.

Indications that the peak ( at least of the first phase ) of Covid-19 may be passed, but the BMA point out that there is still a need for PPE.

Lack of provision of childcare has been highlighted by Covid-19.

It is also time to consider salaries and pensions: I report links to the BMA summission to the DDRB and Chaand Nagpaul's recent letter.

After a paucity of news during December 2019, the New Year opened with Health and Safety problems. Read the report here.

The pension crisis continues to drag on. In the March 2020 budget the government has reduced substantially the burden upon senior doctors. See the BMA news report for full details

Occasionally blogs can be interesting: in particular "Who are SAS doctors anyway?".

If you are disabled please see the recent BMA Survey.

The new year also brings a flurry of activity regarding burnout and safety issues, including a GMC report "Caring for doctors - Caring for patients",   "GMC: specialty, associate specialist and locally employed doctors workplace experiences survey: initial findings report" and a September 2019 report from the MPS "Breaking the burnout cycle. Keeping doctors and patients safe" previously not known to me.

The BMA has issued a survey about disability: please read and respond. It is open to both BMA members and others

Negotiations for a new SAS contract are expected soon.

The DDRB report for 2019 has now been published ( read it here ). It appears we get 2.5% - hardly a fortune! Read the government response. It has been reported that a further 1% has been witheld pending a new contract.

 Health Education England and NHS Improvement have issued a review of SAS development: it is copyright free so please distribute as you see fit! The BMA has recently published a revision to the SAS Autonomous Practice guidance.

The Royal College of Surgeons has produced a guide to the expert witness role which includes a basic medic-legal tutorial. Possibly essential reading for all!

There is a recent section below entitled "Discrimination, bullying, fatigue and other work problems" which primarily relates to discrimination, bullying, fatigue, sexual harassment and burnout as none of the previous sections were relevant.  With the appointment of BMA president Dinesh Bhugra there is a new emphasis on mental health issues in doctors. Recently the Royal College of Physicians has issued a "code of conduct". There is also a new report on women in hospital medicine. There are also recent (11/01/19) reports on early retirement for consultants - are you following soon? Junior contract exception reporting is causing concern, as is the lack of  Foundation Year 2 doctors entering higher training posts. 2 years after it was first reported, a number of trusts still do not provide staff rest areas. A new ( April 2019 ) survey, commissioned by the BMA shows widespread concerns. There is also recent concern over the extent of female GP suicide: is this only a risk for GPs? The Royal College of Physicians have conducted recent surveys on workload; these make interesting reading! There is also an interesting personal view in the BMJ. Rota gaps are also being implicated. A recent update on burnout suggests organisational change. October 2019 sees a new report on the mental health of doctors, whilst a study published November 2019 indicates a high incidence in gynaecologists.

NHS pensions noe occupies its own page due to so much recent interest.

The  NHS Equality and Diversity Council has issued its 2018 WRES ( workforce race and equality standard ) data analysis report. Interesting reading! The 2020 report is expected soon: was this website!

25 June 2019 sees the publication of a GMC report that shows that BAME doctors are being referred more frequently to them. The full GMC report can be downloaded from their webpage.

The BMA has come under fire recently regarding sexual and other harassment. Their immediate response is to instigate an external investigation. This has also been reported by Medscape, whilst the GMC has instituted training in tackling sexist and bullying behaviour.   The BMA has now ( 19/06/2019 ) announced details of its investigation.

There is recent news of a change in regulation which may well affect HEE autonomy.  Anthea Mowat and Jeeves Wijesuriya discuss it here.

Of recent note is the Welsh government's commitment to a charter on fatigue. The  BMA has recently produced a study of fatigue, with a new report ( 24/09/2018 ). This was written primarily with junior doctors in mind but is also relevant to those of us who share out-of-hours rotas at any level. This is available for download from the "Resources" section of this website. as well as below. There are also recent entries on bullying. However, recent figures show an increase in voluntary and ill-health early retirement which not only reflects the changes in the working environment but removes experienced teachers from the workplace ( full BMJ article here ). Staffing problems are also relevant to CQC reporting. There are recent entries regarding mental health in doctors. Furthermore there is evidence of health and safety breaches due to a restricted maintenance budget. There is currently a vast number of vacancies in the NHS which is set to increase. Medscape UK Doctors' Burnout & Lifestyle Survey 2018  is also now published ( 22/12/2018 ): definitely a "must read", as is the BMA Fatigue and Facilities Charter.   See also Michael Fitzpatrick and Matthew Roycroft's discussion of the effect of poor staffing on training,  particularly as there is a reducing entry into core training following foundation posts. There is a further report regarding plummeting morale and a recent report on how the NHS can provide fulfilling, lifelong careers. The BMA has published a report on sexism.

Late September 2018 has seen the publication of a BMA survey - the results of which are shocking but  not surprising. See it here or see the story on the NHS Staff Surveys page. There is also recent evidence of a pay gap between ethnic groups.

There is news that the Associate Specialist grade may return. See the latest BMA report here. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health currently considers that there is an unmet need for SAS doctors, especially in community paediatrics. Would restoring the grade improve supply and retention?

The GMC is due to release the long-awaited report on credentialing.

There are reports that Matt Hancock has retained his post as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care following the recent ( 13/02/2020 ) cabinet reshuffle.

June 2019 sees the publication of the Interim NHS People Plan, which covers all groups and Interim NHS People Plan: the future medical workforce.

A recent big news item is the publication of a CESR programme for A&E at Derby. Probably produced in response the the well-known recruitment and retention difficulties for A&E in the face of rising demand, it features an appropriate set of training modules with assessments. I wonder whether similar programmes will be rolled out in other specialties? The GMC have recently updated the CESR page and has stated tht it wil accept online evidence from November 2018.

Also in the last few months is the story that the Royal College of Physicians of London has misallocated the ST3 posts. Those of us who work alongside ST3 doctors should take care that this does not adversely affect their own job.

Dr Bawa-Garba has won her case and will shortly regain her license to practice! A ST6 paediatric registrar had been struck of by the GMC after a catalogue of failings by her Trust which led, in part, to the death of a 6-year old boy. I will not comment here other than to say that this event could easily happen to one of us, as we are also sub-consultant hospital doctors and should examine the case very carefully. The BMA considers that the GMC should not be able to appeal its own decisions and this is reported to be recommended in the Williams review.   April 2019 saw a further GMC hearing in which she regained her license to practice from July 2109, albeit with conditions attached ( see Medscape article ).  Read also the comments on the article: these are very pertinent! June 2019 sees a review which suggests that investigation of the employer should also occur in gross negligence manslaughter cases, which would result in relatively few doctors taken to court. See also the GMC page for further proposals. Dr. Bawa-Garba speaks here. The GMC has further admitted that legal advice it received was incorrect. A paediatric neurologist has won the right to claim unfair dismissal over whistleblowing at Leicester.

General Medical Council: Independent review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide. June 2019.  This report has recently been published ( 6 June 2019 ) and appears to make a very fair review of the current legislation. In particular, the following clauses seem particularly relevant to SAS doctors: More recently to MDU has called for an end to the unfair criminalising of doctors

Recommendation 10:   Where a doctor is being investigated for gross negligence manslaughter or culpable homicide, the appropriate external authority should scrutinise the systems within the department where the doctor worked. Where the doctor is a trainee, this should include scrutiny of  the education and training environment by bodies responsible for education and training.

Recommendation 15:   Improvements in patient safety are most likely to come through local investigations into patient safety incidents which are focused on learning not blame. We strongly endorse recent developments in the frameworks for investigations. These emphasize the need for the investigation team to have the time and the appropriate experience, skills and competence (including understanding of human factors) to undertake investigations, and the necessary degree of externality to command confidence in the process. We also stress the need to involve and support families and staff.

Recommendation 21:   We agree with the Williams review’s recommendation (at 6.1) to remove the GMC’s right of appeal of Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) decisions, as an important step towards rebuilding the profession’s relationship with its regulator. We urge the Government to introduce the legislative reform necessary to achieve this without delay.    We commend the GMC’s recent steps to review and reform its processes for decisions to appeal in the meantime.

Recommendation 26:   Doctors’ reflective practice is fundamental to their professionalism. We recommend that doctors use the Reflective Practitioner guidance and supporting toolkit to help them engage in reflective practice. This   will support doctors’ learning whilst limiting the possible relevance of any   recorded reflections in other proceedings. UK Parliament and the devolved governments should consider how  these reflections could be given legal protection.

Recommendation 28:   Healthcare service providers should provide induction and support for all doctors returning to clinical practice after a period of significant absence. These doctors should have a return to work meeting and appropriate supervision and support during the induction period tailored to the needs of the individual.

Of those recommendations, the two most pertinent to our employment are 28 ( return to work ) which is distinctly vague and in my view should be improved through the LNC. Recommendation  25 ( reflective practice ) requires government legislation which I cannot see happening soon. Whilst I was practicing I resisted attempts by my CD to write reflections as these could have been used against me, as Dr Bawa-Garbo found out!  Part of the case centered on the use of reflective practice and I have found a recent paper which may be of interest to you.

There have calls for  GMC chief executive Charlie Massey to resign, especially as the GMC are continuing to appeal MPTS determinations.  The government, in the form of the Commons Health and Social Care Committee, has started to reconsider the law on gross negligence manslaughter. Tbe BMJ has now published a review of the case and of the New Zealand experience.   The GMC chair has called for more "front-line" consultant prescence in hospitals.

The GMC has now published guidelines on reflective practice which is available form the Resources page.

Keeping silent at GMC hearings could draw “adverse inferences,” says High Court: the court has ruled for the first time that there is no “right to silence” at tribunals.

A bill preventing a no-deal Brexit has achieved Royal assent and requires the government to apply for a further extension should a deal not be approved before mid-October 2019. The "Brexit date" of 31 October 2019 is now postponed to 31 January 2019 and therre will be a 12 December general election. Recent papers on Brexit can be found on the page below. Brexit is, and will continue to be, a cause of concern for all sectors of the NHS. I will attempt to keep pertinent articles accessible here. However persistent underfunding is becoming dangerous and hospital deficits have now doubled.  There are frequent updates on the effects of Brexit, see the section below. Current staff shortages are also likely to be worsened by Brexit. EU citizens may now apply for settled status prior to Brexit. Please see the Brexit section for BMA advice. Drug shortages have already started and there is no guarantee that these will not continue. Furthermore staffing shortages are now apparent as EU staff continue to leave. The fate of many EU doctors is uncertain as information regarding applying for UK settled status remains poor, though a recent article from MedscapeUK sheds some light on this.  Should we be further worried that the NHS could be damaged as a result of a UK-USA trade deal after Brexit? This has since been refuted.

For budget news please see NHS staff surveys and financial news below. There have been recent calls for a 5% increase in NHS funding.

I am told that study leave budgets have stayed very poor in the Trent area with virtually all of the Trusts running at a deficit and that study leave is rarely approved. The results of the 2016 NHS Staff Survey have now been published; see below. Locum rates continue to be hammered: in there days of medical shortage there is even less incentive now to do locums!

Consequently we have to ensure that our CME is kept up-to-date. The GMC publish an app which may well help. I easily installed this on my Android tablet: it is also available for Apple IOS. I'm not able to make use of this myself ( retired ) but would like to hear from you about it. There is also a new GMC app for Good Medical Practice available from the same page. Could anyone write a review? The download link is now on the "Resources" page. The GMC is reported by "Hospital Doctor" to have issued new guidelines, but these, as yet,  do not appear to be available from their internet site. On are the eCME modules - see SAS development.

In great contrast is the SAS charter. This originated in 2004 but was recently revised.  It lists all the ways your employer  should be supporting you. The English version is also available on the "Resources" page. The Royal College of Physicians' recent survey has shown how poorly this has been implemented. There is a new BMA page regarding autonomy - see SAS Development.

Mental health provision for young people  is of a great concern nationally. A recent report shows the situation in Yorkshire. More recently severe bed shortages have been shown across all adult services.

October 1st 2018 pay increase is 3%!  Current pay scales are listed under SAS contracts.  I have also included links to NHS Employers below. April 2019 has seen the implementation of shared parental leave, thought concerns are evident that this has been done at the expense of other contract benefits, such as redundancy pay.

The GMC report:. "The state of medical education and practice in the uk 2019" has now been published.

The GMC has,come under a lot of criticism recently but at long last, revealed pending changes to revalidation, following Sir Keith Pearson’s report, as reported by the National Health Executive and pulse Magazine. There is an "Action Plan" on the same GMC webpage.The recent death of a junior anaesthetist has shown up serious failures in the GMC's processes. There is new initiative regarding exception reporting in an attempt to create and maintain safe working conditions. There is a recent report that  the GMC now considers medical training at risk.  The GMC has recently announced that it is reducing the number of fitness-to-practice investigations.  Finally the GMC is to survey SAS doctors, starting 1 May 2019.

This page is intended for news relating to SAS education and development: I intend to keep it there despite the ongoing political situation. Other news items will be gleaned from the internet largely from, I suspect, the BMA, Hospital Doctor and GMC sites. I will attempt to reference open access pages as much as possible. Please let me know if a page is restricted or non-existent! Doctors.Net and Medscape may need a login, but both are free! Those of you who work for the NHS will be able to log into BMA sites using Athens.

Yorkshire SAS on Twitter.

Created Sunday, March 12, 2017 | On behalf of Y&H SAS Tutors

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Yorkshire SAS on Twitter 12/03/2019

Yorkshire SAS on Twitter.

Created Sunday, March 12, 2017 | On behalf of Y&H SAS Tutors

Click here to find out what's going on in your region. All the latest news, courses and events with useful links.

NHS, Staff Surveys and financial news 10/07/2020

NHS, Staff Surveys and financial news.

See below for NHS Pensions.

Created Wednesday, March 08, 2017,  R Muirhead

The 2017 spring budget.  Not much for the NHS!

BMA response to the 2017 Spring budget.

SAS Doctor survey 2015, last updated 26 June 2017.

Mental health care cuts in England 'to total £4.5m'.

Adult Mental health also lacks beds.  The Guardian, 27 june 2017 

Crowdfunding wheelchairs.  BMA ARM report, 27 June 2017.

Racism in the NHS -  it's still there!

New helpline  if you are feeling under presssure.

Hospitals pay huge locum bill for unfilled jobs. The Times, July 12 2017.

The Government  does not listen to warnings. Guardian July 12 2017

New models for delivering care  - Practical implications for doctors   PDF file for download

Discussion paper on pay and the DDRB.  Click to download PDF. BMA Oct 2017.

BMA - Budget 2017.

The Independant - Budget 2017. 

The Guardian view on NHS spending: what’s enough.   Following November 2017 budget.

SAS doctor survey 2017.   Last updated: 09 April 2018

Scotland legislates for safe staffing   Doctor's Net 25/05/2018

Government appoints head of gender pay gap review  BMA, last updated: 25 May 2018

Hospital deficit doubles   Doctors.Net 31/05/2018

‘Remain vigilant, remain resolved’    Amit Kochhar - BMA SASC conference

UK SASC conference  Agenda and highlights. Last updated: 23 May 2018

Taxes must rise to fund 5% budget increase the NHS needs.   BMJ 2018; 361 (Published 24 May 2018)

Call for tax hike to fund the NHS  BMA, Last updated: 11 June 2018

Government lifts visa cap    BMA Last updated: 15 June 2018

Money now overrides care – medical survey   Doctors.Net  25/06/2018

A funding boost for the NHS in England   (BMJ, published 21 June 2018)

Government fails to match DDRB recommendation  BMA Last updated: 24 July 2018

Anger at pay rise delays 25/07/2018

Fixed locum rates raise safety concerns  BMA Last updated: 25 July 2018

NHS still wasting £480m a year on temporary staffing from private agencies, watchdog says   Independant 31/08/2018

NHS “unsustainable” as vacancies rise 12/09/2018

Future vision for the NHS: all member survey  BMA Last updated: 19 September 2018

Blame culture and safety fears on the rise, finds survey   BMA  Last updated: 19 September 2018

PM may raise taxes for NHS 20/09/2018

Call to reform pay-review process   BMA Last updated: 27 September 2018

NHS will be “renationalised” - Labour 27/09/2018

Latest BME pay gap figures revealed 28/09/2018

Black and Asian doctors earn less than their white colleagues, official NHS figures show   BMJ 2018; 362:k4124  (Published 28 September 2018)

CQC Inspections: Room for Improvement   Medscape UK News September 27, 2018

Doctors under-represented in whistleblowing stats 28/09/2018

Hancock promises fresh cash to avert winter crisis  02/10/2018

Government has undermined the DDRB, says the BMA   Last updated: 05 October 2018

'Challenging' NHS Digital Future   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, October 18, 2018

The future of healthcare: our vision for digital, data and technology in health and care   Department of Health & Social Care 17 October 2018

Poor maintenance causing thousands of safety incidents 23/10/2018

The price of fear: estimating the financial cost of bullying and harassment to the NHS in England   Roger Kline & Duncan Lewis, Taylor and Francis Online: Published: 24 Oct 2018

Budget boost may not relieve blues – doctors warn 26/10/2018

Budget 2018 Health Announcements and Reaction    Nicky Broyd, Medscpre News UK, October 29, 2018

Government 'devaluing' HEE's role  BMA  Last updated: 29 October 2018

Muted medical welcome for budget 30/10/2018

Hancock fails to win medical approval 30/10/2018

Capital and training budgets raided for NHS cash boost - analysts 31/10/2018

Vacancy crisis looms for NHS - experts 15/11/2018

Pressure builds to address workforce crisis   BMA  Last updated: 15 November 2018

Staff Shortages Threaten NHS Long-term Plan: Report    Medscape News UK, Nicky Broyd, November 15, 2018

Hospital doctors waiting for winter pressure plans 26/11/2018

No staffing answers in NHS plan 29/11/2018

New hope for medical visa relaxation 30/11/2018

Scheme to train overseas doctors in the NHS will expand, says newspaper report   (Published 30 November 2018) BMJ 2018;363:k5116

Doctors from ethnic minority backgrounds earn less than white colleagues   (Published 06 December 2018) BMJ 2018;363:k5089

Big ( 10 year ) plan delayed over target tensions 07/12/2018

Guidance aims to limit emergency redeployment of trainees 07/12/2018

NHS faces faltering start to winter 14/12/2018

Whistleblower seeks to reopen case 14/12/2018

Management consultants coin millions from NHS reforms 17/12/2018

NHS warned on harmful incidents 19/12/2018

Medscape UK Doctors' Burnout & Lifestyle Survey 2018    Tim Locke, Medscape News UK. December 18, 2018. Definately a "must read"!

NHS safety culture needs radical change, says CQC    BMJ 2018;363:k5359 Published 19 December 2018

Immigration white paper: what will it mean for the NHS?    BMJ 2018;363:k5422 Published 28 December 2018  

Trainee redeployment guidance “commonly” ignored 31/12/2018

NHS Plan unveiled – but staffing questions remain 07/01/2019

BMA calls for ten year NHS plan to deliver beyond grand ambition and address realities    Last updated: 07 January 2019

Health Service Staffing Concerns Over NHS England 10 Year Plan   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, January 07, 2019

Fantasy or fantasia? Plan’s impact on hospitals 08/01/2019

Doubling NHS surcharge “punishes” international doctors for working in UK, says BMA.   Published 09 January 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l128

Financial failures across NHS “shocking” 10/01/2019

What the NHS long term plan leaves out    Published 10 January 2019. BMJ 2019;364:l107

New warning on doctor immigration 14/01/2019

Pay rise call for doctors as consultant contract stays on shelf 17/01/2019

BMA demands DDRB recognises the value of doctors   With a real term loss of up to 30% in pay over the last decade, reform of the DDRB is crucial. Read the BMA's 2019 submission to the DDRB. Last updated: 17 January 2019.

Pay review system “last chance” - BMA 18/01/2019

Staff shortage threat to NHS Plan 18/01/2019

Spending Watchdog Warns on Future NHS Sustainability    Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, January 18, 2019

Hospital conditions "very tough" -  RCEM report. 28/01/2019

Staffing—the single biggest threat to medical training.   An overstretched workforce has repercussions deep into the future, say Michael FitzPatrick and Matthew Roycroft.  BMJ January 28, 2019

Why are so many doctors quitting the NHS?—it’s time to ask the right questions.   Hannah C.P. Wilson & Arabella L. Simpkin, BMJ  January 25, 2019

Career breaks and service posts lure stressed juniors 31/01/2019

Backing for physician associates 31/01/2019

Number of FY2 doctors moving straight into specialty training falls again    BMJ Published 31 January 2019.  BMJ 2019;364:l523

Senior NHS Managers to Face Competency Standards    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 06, 2019

Senior NHS managers will have skills logged to stop those who fail being “moved on quietly”   BMJ Published 07 February 2019.  BMJ 2019;364:l632

Bias against female doctors won’t end until evidence based interventions are mandatory    BMJ Published 08 February 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l637

NHS Staffing Shortfalls 'Threaten Long-Term Plan'   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 12, 2019

Training in leadership - the Blackpool experience  Januiary 2019

NHS workforce challenges: five minutes with . . . Anita Charlesworth  Published 25 February 2019. BMJ 2019;364:l875

BMA - Supporting an ageing medical workforce  Last updated: 26 February 2019

Morale plummets, staff survey finds 27/02/2019

More doctors are taking a break from training after foundation programme.   Published 27 February 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l842

NHS staff survey: just 29% of organisations take health and wellbeing seriously   Published 27 February 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l924

NHS Staff Face Rising Stress Levels, Survey Finds   Peter Russell. Medscape News UK, February 27, 2019

NHS must support older doctors to counter drive to early retirement, says BMA   Published 01 March 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l988

NHS needs older doctors - BMA 01/03/2019

Consultants urge BMA to withdraw from negotiations with “spineless” pay review body   Published 04 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1001

Social care needs millions to help relieve NHS pressures 04/03/2019

NHS Underfunding Blamed for Public Dissatisfaction    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, March 07, 2019

NHS faces years of cash problems - analysts 08/03/2019

Few beds free as NHS ends winter 08/03/2019

How can the NHS offer fulfilling, lifelong careers?   Published 08 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1100

Taking exception.  Exception reporting can be a force for change in the health service.   BMA 12/03/2019

Britain is now importing more doctors than it trains, figures show    Laura Donnelly, Daily Telegraph, 18 March 2019 • 9:30pm

NHS doctors mainly recruited overseas – new figures 19/03/2019

NHS Staffing 'a Make-or-Break' Issue, Says Report   Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, March 21, 2019

Patients “increasingly worried” about drug supplies amid Brexit uncertainty, says royal college    Published 26 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1397

Nurse exodus linked to understaffing problems 27/03/2019

Whistleblowers: promises of protection are repeatedly broken, meeting hears   Published 28 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1482

Analysis Sheds New Light on NHS Staffing 'Crisis'    Theresa Bebbington,  Medscape News UK, March 28, 2019

Dossier reveals 'petty tortures' of NHS trainee doctors denied leave   The Guardian Thu 28 Mar 2019 18.28 GMT

Action promised on medical pay gap 29/03/2019

Juniors say #metoo after abuse dossier published 01/04/2019

Taking a break: doctors opt out of training after foundation year 2   Published 02 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1509

Vacancies and deficits blight NHS plan - MPs 03/04/2019

Tackling bullying and undermining in the NHS    Published 09 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1667

Call for shared parental leave anomalies to be solved 15/04/2019

Paediatrics struggling while specialty recruitment improves 17/04/2019

'We Stand with Whistleblowers': Matt Hancock    Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, April 23, 2019

Doctors 'injured' by NHS stress - RCP 25/04/2019

Supporting the mental health of doctors and medical students    BMA Last updated: 23 April 2019

Matt Hancock: Gender Equality Vital for NHS Future    Edna Astbury-Ward, Medscape News UK, April 26, 2019

NHS must tackle inequality to improve retention, says health secretary    Published 26 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1937

Give doctors research time - report 26/04/2019

Shared parental leave response 'disappointing'    BMA Last updated: 09 May 2019

A winter’s tale - third RCP poll tells story of a service reliant on goodwill from a demoralised workforce.  (Click "Notes to editors" for full results.)  Royal College of Physicians 14 May 2019

Funds secure to improve rest facilities    BMA Last updated: 15 May 2019

Cash drive to tackle junior rest scandal.    All hospitals in England are to get funding to improve doctors' rest facilities – and end the scandal of over-tired doctors, it was announced last night. 16/05/2019

NHS still "poaching" doctors - investigation 17/05/2019

Diversity: Boards of NHS national bodies fail to reflect BME workforce    Published 20 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2266

2018 WRES ( workforce race and equality standard ) data analysis report for eight national healthcare organisations.   NHS Equality and Diversity Council, May 2019

Gender pay gap in England’s NHS: little progress since last year    Published 22 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2089

Government widens job shortage list   BMA  Last updated: 29 May 2019

Allow more overseas doctors to work in NHS, immigration committee advises   Published 30 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2374

Doctors to get fast-track immigration status.    All doctor posts, including those of GPs, are set to be given fast-track immigration status amid growing shortages, it has been announced. 30/05/2019

EU citizens must have legal rights or more doctors will be lost, warns BMA    Published 30 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2390

Interim NHS People Plan - NHS Improvement ( NHS England ).   03 June 2019. All plans downloadable from here.

Interim NHS People Plan: the future medical workforce  03 June 2019.

US told NHS not for sale 03/06/2019

Pledge to make medical careers rewarding 04/06/2019

Trump stokes new fears for NHS post-Brexit 05/06/2019

BMA urges Tory leadership candidates to exempt NHS from US trade talks   Published 05 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4059

The NHS workforce plan is an off-the-scale fantasy    Published 06 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4036

NHS 'Off the Table' in Future UK-US Trade Deal    Nicky Broyd,  Medscape News UK, June 05, 2019

Workforce crisis beckons over NHS pensions, warns BMA 10/06/2019

Paediatric SAS doctors needed urgently - RCPCH   The number of paediatric Specialty, Associate Specialist, and Staff Grade doctor must increase by at least one third to meet demand, a new report warns today. 11/06/2019

MDU warning over state indemnity scheme small print 11/06/2019

£90 million junior contract changes unveiled 11/06/2019

Junior doctor contract: BMA to hold vote on new changes    Published 11 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4164

Backlash grows against junior deal 14/06/2019

Doctors "disenfranchised" in junior contract vote 17/06/2019

HCSA calls for rejection of junior contract 18/06/2019

NHS cash promises inadequate – think-tank 18/06/2019

Hospitals heavily reliant on escalation beds - survey 22/06/2019

Doctors face "culture of threat and fear" 25/06/2019

Doctors spurn NHS long term plan   Published 25 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4392

Junior doctors accept contractual improvements     BMA Last updated: 27 June 2019

Junior ballot ends dispute – but critics say "pyrrhic victory" 27/06/2019

Doctors’ stance on pay reward under review    Last updated: 27 June 2019. BMA The BMA’s relationship with the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration is a longstanding one.

Safety strategy calls for end to blame game 02/07/2019

Social care must be free - Lords 04/07/2019

NHS is more “vicious” to whistleblowers than any other organisation, author tells The BMJ   Published 05 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4565

NHS billions will not solve problems - survey   This year's injection of extra cash into the NHS will be consumed by unplanned deficits, according to a survey published today. 09/07/2019.

Survey reveals continuing rota gap problem 09/07/2019.

The NHS is not for sale   Published 12 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4604

Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration 47th Report: 2019

Government response to the 47th report of the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration :Written statement - HCWS1765

Doctors' hard work 'not recognised nor rewarded'   BMA Last updated: 23 July 2019

Consultants and SAS doctors in England to get 2.5% pay rise  Published 22 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4802

Anger as SAS doctors denied full pay rise 23/07/2019

Parting May publishes ill health prevention plan 23/07/2019

Caring for an ageing workforce   Published 24 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4787

Break-time victory for junior doctors    BMA Last updated: 01 August 2019

Burnout in healthcare: the case for organisational change   Published 30 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4774

NHS declares national emergency over shortage of intravenous feeds   Published 15 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5160

No deal threatens to exacerbate winter crisis    BMA Last updated: 02 September 2019

NHS entering autumn "in crisis" 13/09/2019
The NHS is entering the autumn in a state of crisis with limited planning for winter difficulties, senior doctors have warned.

Culture of fear afflicts NHS - BMA 13/09/2019.
The NHS is now suffering a "persistent culture of fear" as staff shortages and growing pressures create a toxic combination, the British Medical Association says.

Pledge to help whistle-blowers back into work 09/10/2019

Fresh court challenge to junior break victory   NHS officials may launch a Supreme Court challenge to a ruling that ordered compensation to junior doctors denied breaks and rest periods, it has been reported. 09/10/2019.

More than just a name on a rota.   Doctors don’t feel looked after by the health service to which they devote their lives. BMA Last updated: 10 October 2019  

NHS bosses must tackle mental health crisis among doctors, says BMA   BMJ 2019; Published 10 October 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l5974

Physician shortages risking patient safety - colleges   Consultant shortages and highly stressed trainees mean daily rota gaps in medical specialties and "significant" patient safety issues, according to the findings of a major survey. 14/10/2019.

RCP publishes census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees 2018

Census Shows Consultant Posts Going Unfilled    Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, October 14, 2019

Focus on physicians.    Census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees 2018

Pension trap blamed for breast cancer service collapse 17/10/2019

NHS on the cusp of collapse    BMA Last updated: 14 November 2019

Doctors at West Suffolk hospital 'too scared' to report safety issues   Guardian Wed 11 Dec 2019

Call for clarity on staffing shortage plans 20/12/2019

NHS failing to protect staff from violence - inspectors 07/01/2020

Two-thirds of trusts failing to protect staff from violence: HSE inspections.   Matt Discombe, Health Service Journal 6 January 2020.

David Oliver: Staff hydration matters more than keeping up appearances    BMJ 2020; Published 08 January 2020: BMJ 2020;368:l7088

Improving support for disabled doctors and medical students.    BMA survey January 2020

Memorandum of Evidence to the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration.    BMA January 2020.

Why are so many doctors quitting the NHS?     BMJ Opinion February 6, 2020

'Drexit': Can More Be Done to Understand Why Doctors Leave the NHS?    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK February 11, 2020

Reports of NHS Bullying Culture 'Deeply Distressing'   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 13, 2020

Undermined and overlooked: SAS doctors respond to survey    BMA Last updated: 14 February 2020

NHS to Crackdown on Racist and Sexist Harassment    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 18, 2020

NHS Staff Survey 2019.   Use drop down boxes to select questions.

Staff survey: Staff experiencing more violence than last year    Annabelle Collins< Health Service Journal, 18 February 2020.

Plan to turn nurses into surgical practitioners 24/02/2020

Trainees prop up general practice as Hancock claims progress 28/02/2020

UK will still attract overseas doctors despite ending free movement, government insists    BMJ 2020; Published 06 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m942

Ethnic diversity: NHS chief pledges to improve representation across England    BMJ 2020; Published 06 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m929

Unfairness laid bare – exclusive dress codes    BMA Last updated: 12 March 2020

Supreme Court refuses employer appeal in junior doctor monitoring breach ruling    BMA Thursday 9 April 2020

Man is jailed for hitting emergency department doctor in the face   A man has been jailed for six months for punching an emergency department doctor who was dealing with patients with covid-19. BMJ Published 14 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1491

Doctors warn on worsening care as shortages continue 04/05/2020

Thousands of doctors unable to offer patients the desperate care they need as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, BMA survey finds    by BMA media team. Press release from the BMA. Published: Monday 4 May 2020

The NHS ‘make-do’ culture is not safe.   Doctors need to be protected and empowered on the front line in the fight against COVID-19, say Rob Harwood and Amit Kochhar. BMA Published: Wednesday 6 May 2020

Chaand Nagpaul letter to chair DDRB   BMA 06 May 2020

Doctor's annual pay review from DDRB.    Read our most recent submission to the Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration.   BMA Updated: Thursday 7 May 2020

Plea for stranded overseas doctors    Several hundred doctors are in the UK and unable to work because of the cancellation of language and competence tests, the BMA has revealed. 24/06/2020

Call to extend overseas doctors’ visas   The Government has been urged to extend the visas of overseas doctors stranded in the UK, as part of an urgent joint intervention led by the BMA.     Tim Tonkin, BMA, published: Wednesday 24 June 2020.

Call for new NHS staffing plan 08/07/2020

Baroness Cumberlege’s NHS review   08 July 2020

Waiting times soar after surgery suspensions 10/07/2020

Elective waits topped 34 weeks in May   By Rob Findlay, Health Service Journal, 9 July 2020



























































Coronavirus & Covid-19 20/07/2020

Coronavirus & Covid-19

Created Tuesday April 14, 2020. R Muirhead

Call for retired doctors to help tackle Covid-19 outbreak   Is this really going to help? 02/03/2020

Emergency COVID-19 Plan Could See Retired Medics Back at Work    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, March 02, 2020

NHS not ready for COVID-19 epidemic - doctors    The NHS is not ready for a COVID-19 epidemic, according to a survey of doctors – while plans to recruit retired doctors were criticised as "ill thought out". 03/03/2020

Covid-19: retired doctors could be asked to return to work, says Hancock    BMJ 2020; Published 02 March 2020. BMJ 2020;368:m831

Government Unveils 'Battle Plan' for COVID-19    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, March 03, 2020

Coronavirus 'action plan' includes Army    BMA Last updated: 05 March 2020

Students on standby to assist in virus epidemic    The UK could turn to medical students to help manage the spreading Covid-19 outbreak, MPs heard yesterday as the country recorded its first death. 06/03/2020

Covid-19: Is it reasonable to ask retired doctors to return to “duty”   BMJ Opinion March 5, 2020

BMA proposes doctor COVID-19 safeguards    BMA Last updated: 13 March 2020

Government promises volunteer army – but doctors await testing 18/03/2020

Confusion over doctor social isolation rules    Dozens of doctors have wrongly been told to continue working even when living with someone showing signs of Covid-19 infection, it was reported today.  20/03/2020

Covid-19: 15 000 deregistered doctors are told, “Your NHS needs you”    Published 20 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m1152

Don’t panic: five minutes with . . . Kai Zacharowski    The president of the European Society of Anaesthesiology advises doctors on getting through the covid-19 pandemic. BMJ 2020; 368 Published 17 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m1092

Nurse in ICU as doctors clamour for protection 23/03/2020

NICE seeks to aid COVID-19 decision making - guidelines

COVID-19: your terms and conditions: SAS doctors    BMA Updated: Wednesday 25 March 2020

Emergency Measures to Deal With COVID-19 Become Law    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, March 26, 2020

Helen Salisbury: Coronavirus diaries   A call for antibody ( not antigen ) testing

Covid-19: “Illogical” lack of testing is causing healthy staff to self-isolate, BMA chief warns.    BMJ 2020; 368 Published 27 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m1277

Covid-19: Doctors still at “considerable risk” from lack of PPE, BMA warns    BMJ 2020; 368. Published 31 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m1316

Covid-19: doctors’ visas are automatically extended for one year    BMJ 2020; 369 Published 02 April 2020s: BMJ 2020;369:m1381

New PPE guidance raises fresh shortage concerns   Long-awaited new guidance on personal protective equipment gained a mixed reaction from medical organisations last night amid continuing concern about shortages. 03/04/2020.

Doctors "bullied" to work with poor personal protection   Doctors continue to work with inadequate personal protective equipment – with some feeling "bullied" to stay at work, medical organisations warned today. 07/04/2020

Facemasks and similar barriers to prevent respiratory illness such as COVID-19: A rapid systematic review.

Americans are told to wear cloth masks    BMJ 2020; 369: Published 06 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1411

Covid-19: testing times    BMJ 2020 Published 08 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1403

Covid-19: Doctors and nurses donate samples to study disease    BMJ 2020 Published 09 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1446

Covid-19: Antibody tests will not be rolled out in UK until at least May, MPs hear    BMJ 2020 Published 09 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1449

Gown shortages force use of disposable coveralls    By Jack Serle, Katherine Hignett, Health Service Journal 12 April 2020

App launched to track NHS staff’s covid-19 absences   By Jasmine Rapson, Health Service Journal, 12 April 2020

Gown shortages raise new protection concerns 14/04/2020

Man is jailed for hitting emergency department doctor in the face   A man has been jailed for six months for punching an emergency department doctor who was dealing with patients with covid-19. BMJ Published 14 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1491

Statement on advance care planning during the Covid-19 pandemic, including do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR)    GMC 15 April 2020

PPE shortages continue while care home action promised 16/04/2020

Covid-19: Disproportionate impact on ethnic minority healthcare workers will be explored by government   BMJ 2020: Published 17 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1562

PPE supply remains low   Keith Cooper, BMA Saturday 18 April 2020

Doctors still without adequate supplies of PPE, major BMA survey finds   BMA media team Press release from the BMA,  Saturday 18 April 2020

UK COVID-19 Daily: Surgeons Shouldn't Risk Own Health Over PPE   Tim Locke, Medscape News UK April 18, 2020

Anger over order to reuse gowns as shortages grow 18/04/2020

Coronavirus: Delivery of protective kit for NHS delayed    BBC News 19/04/2020

PPE delay is ‘extremely concerning’ as healthcare workers 'desperately need proper and effective protection now', warns BMA.    Press release from the BMA. Published: Sunday 19 April 2020

Stress and burnout warning over COVID-19   by BMA news team. Published: Sunday 19 April 2020

COVID-19: refusing to treat where PPE is inadequate.      This guidance sets out the process for doctors to follow to identify whether your PPE is adequate and what you can do if it is not. BMA Updated: Sunday 19 April 2020

Doctors struggling with burn-out    Nearly half of  doctors in the UK are showing signs of burn-out as they struggle to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a major survey published last night. 20/04/2020

Covid-19: public health experts demand evidence behind UK’s short self-isolation advice   BMJ 2020: Published 20 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1574

Newly opened Nightingale ( Harrogate ) to remain empty for time being    By Matt Discombe, Ben Clover, Lawrence Dunhill, Health Service Journal, 21 April 2020.

Hancock: Staff should be free to speak out over coronavirus concerns    By Matt Discombe, Health Service Journal, 21 April 2020

Covid-19: doctors are warned not to go public about PPE shortages    BMJ 2020; Published 21 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1592

Exclusive: Turkish delivery contained just a few hours' worth of gowns    By Katherine Hignett, Health Service Journal, 23 April 2020

First experience of COVID-19 screening of health-care workers in England.    The Lancet. Published:April 22, 2020

COVID-19 - SAS doctors FAQs    Contract changes and SPA time. BMA 23/04/2020

Doctors launch legal challenge to UK government over protective kit.    Reuters 23/04/2020

Doctors need personal virus risk assessments – NHS leaders 24/04/2020

Testing and tracing promised as government looks to lockdown end    Key workers will be able to order antigen tests. 24/04/2020

BAME doctors hit worse by lack of PPE   Keith Cooper. BMA Published: Friday 24 April 2020

Covid-19: Doctors performing resuscitation need higher level of PPE, says royal college   BMJ 2020: Published 24 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1644

BMA announces PPE hotline  Tim Tonkin. BMA Published: Friday 24 April 2020

BAME doctors hit worse by lack of PPE    by Keith Cooper,   BMA Published: Friday 24 April 2020

Covid-19: All essential workers in England can now be tested    BMJ 2020: Published 24 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1662

Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce   Royal College of Physicians, 24 April 2020

Continuing PPE shortages "truly terrible" – physician leader 27/04/2020

Government accused of ignoring risks to medical volunteers 27/04/2020

COVID-19: staff redeployment   Our guidance gives an overview of redeployment for employed doctors in England, during the Coronavirus pandemic. BMA Updated: Tuesday 28 April 2020

Bereaved doctors’ families face financial shortfall     The health and social care secretary has pledged to pay all bereaved families of NHS and social care staff a £60,000 lump sum should they die from coronavirus, as more than 100 have so far. By Keith Cooper, BMA. Published: Tuesday 28 April 2020.

What the law says about PPE responsibility    BMJ 2020: Published 30 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1718

Covid-19: Antibody test that claims to be 99% accurate is certified by EU   BMJ 2020: Published 29 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1742

NHS must not take eye off fight against COVID-19, says BMA    by BMA media team. A press release from the BMA. Published: Thursday 30 April 2020

Risk assessments for staff - COVID-19 health, safety and wellbeing.    NHS Employers 30/04/2020

UK COVID-19 Daily: Doctors Buying Own PPE or Relying on Donations   Tim Locke,  Medscape News UK, May 03, 2020

Doctors warn on worsening care as shortages continue 04/05/2020

Thousands of doctors unable to offer patients the desperate care they need as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, BMA survey finds    by BMA media team. Press release from the BMA. Published: Monday 4 May 2020

Half of doctors source own PPE    by Peter Blackburn Nearly half of doctors have relied on donated or self-bought PPE (personal protective equipment) and two-thirds don’t feel fully protected from coronavirus, a landmark BMA survey reveals. BMA Published: Monday 4 May 2020.

Revealed: the NHS’ plan to protect BAME staff from Covid-19   By Nick Kituno, Health Service Journal, 6 May 2020

COVID-19 PPE Gender Divide: No One-Size-Fits-All?    Rachel Pugh, Medscape News UK, May 04, 2020

International medical graduates require better protection.      COVID-19 has exposed the problems IMGs face, writes Anil Jain.    BMA Published: Wednesday 6 May 2020

Staff testing guidance "deeply flawed" as Johnson promises new step up 07/05/2020

Joint statement on consultant, consultant clinical academic and SAS doctor contracts during COVID-19.   An advisory notice from the BMA and NHS Employers on ensuring that working arrangements in England are only in place temporarily during the fight against coronavirus.  Published: Thursday 7 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic: how vulnerable are you?   It’s time doctors are risk-assessed if they’re expected to fight a killer virus on the front line, writes Helen Fidler.  BMA Published: Wednesday 6 May 2020

Three Studies Give Insight Into BAME COVID-19 Risks    Tim Locke,  Medscape News UK, May 07, 2020

‘Deeply worrying’ ONS data highlights need to protect BAME communities from Covid-19, warns BMA.    BMA media team. Press release from the BMA. Published: Thursday 7 May 2020

First protect NHS staff – doctors 11/05/2020

In harm’s way   The poor supply of personal protective equipment continues to place doctors at risk of death in the frontline fight against COVID-19 – and many feel pressured to stay silent for fear of repercussions. Features Amit Kochhar comments. BMA Published: Monday 11 May 2020

Broken and exhausted    The BMA has conducted the largest survey of frontline doctors during the COVID-19 crisis thus far – with more than 16,000 respondents. Peter Blackburn (BMA) reports what the findings tell us about the effect of the crisis on workload, staff wellbeing and patient care. Published: Tuesday 12 May 2020.

Too little, too late?   Testing for COVID-19 might have increased, but doctors have strong concerns about delays, efficacy, and the safety of patient data. Jennifer Trueland BMA. Published: Wednesday 13 May 2020.

UK on brink of antibody test    The UK is about to approve an antibody test for the COVID-19 virus, it was reported today.
14/05/2020.  Perhaps NHS staff can get tested now?

Coronavirus Antibody Test Impresses Some UK Scientists    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, May 14, 2020

Anger as doctors "gagged" over PPE 15/05/2020

Public Health England Approves Two Antibody Tests    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, May 15, 2020.

UK COVID-19 Daily: R Variations, PPE Whistleblowers    Tim Locke, Medscape News UK, May 15, 2020.

Physicians living in fear - Royal College of Physicians 18/05/2020

UK COVID-19 Daily: Vaccine Deal, Biobank Immunity Trial    Tim Locke, Medscape News UK, May 17, 2020 .

Nearly 1 in 3 on Frontline Lacked PPE: Medscape UK COVID-19 Poll.    Tim Locke, Medscape News UK, May 19, 2020.

Demand to prioritise mental health.   by Jennifer Trueland. Supporting the mental health of the medical workforce must be a priority as the UK passes the first peak of the COVID-19 crisis, the BMA warns. Published: Wednesday 20 May 2020

Doctors bear mental brunt as UK eases lockdown 21/05/2020

Over one third of anaesthetists have low confidence in preparedness for restoring non-COVID-19 NHS services    Royal College of Anaesthetists. Published: 21/05/2020

Tackling COVID-19’s effect on BAME doctors.   The majority of doctors who have lost their lives to coronavirus have been ethnic minorities. There is no time to waste in finding out why – they must be protected now, demands BMA consultants committee member Sakkaf Ahmed Aftab. Published: Thursday 21 May 2020

NHS staff to get antibody testing 22/05/2020

Doctors on the brink as lockdown eases    Thousands of doctors continue to hover on the edge of burn-out triggered by the extra pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey published today. 01/06/2020

Personal impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on doctors' wellbeing revealed in major BMA survey    by BMA media team. Published: Monday 1 June 2020

Struggle and strain. COVID-19 has placed doctors under unimaginable pressure, with many reporting heightened stress, finds a BMA survey. Tim Tonkin reports from the front line. Published: Monday 1 June 2020.

BMA response to delay to review into impact of Covid-19 on BAME community   by BMA media team, published: Tuesday 2 June 2020

Extra Risk for Ethnic Minorities from COVID-19 'Confirmed'    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK June 02, 2020.

COVID-19: review of disparities in risks and outcomes.   Review into how different factors have affected COVID-19 risk and outcomes. Public Health England, Published 2 June 2020.

‘We need action now’: BMA says PHE review into impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities is a missed opportunity.    by BMA media team, published: Tuesday 2 June 2020

COVID-19 race impact report "missed opportunity" 03/06/2020

Now’s not the time to relax PPE.    The risk of transmission of coronavirus remains a threat so it is important to stay protected, says BMA consultants committee chair Rob Harwood. Published: Thursday 4 June 2020

Coronavirus – GMC confirms revalidation date changes.    GMC, published 8 June 2020.

UK urged to speed up protection of ethnic minority doctors 08/06/2020

Doctors in court bid to force rapid inquiry into PPE failings.    A doctors' organisation is to go to court in a bid to force an urgent inquiry into the failures that led to NHS staff with inadequate protective equipment. 09/06/2020

The NHS response to BME staff’s covid deaths was late and lopsided.    Roger Kline, Health Service Journal, 8 June 2020

COVID-19: Doctors' Bring Legal Challenge Over PPE Shortages.    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, June 09, 2020

PPE: a problem yet to be fixed.    The BMA continues to take robust action on PPE after doctors reported continuing shortages and resulting severe stress and safety concerns, by Keith Cooper, BMA. Published: Wednesday 10 June 2020

Fighting the odds – BAME doctors at greater risk from COVID-19.   COVID-19 has had a disproportionate effect on different ethnic groups – one reason why the BMA has been pressing for effective risk assessments to be made available to doctors and other NHS staff, by Tim Tonkin, BMA. Published: Thursday 11 June 2020

Adequate PPE was critical for frontline health professionals
    Front-line healthcare staff who wore adequate personal protective equipment while treating COVID-19 patients did not contract the infection or develop protective immunity against the virus, according to a new Chinese and UK study. 11/06/2020

Waiting times rising by one week, every week, due to Covid-19.   By Rob Findlay, Health service Journal, 12 June 2020.

How routine care slumped during Covid-19 pandemic 12/06/2020.

PM urged to publish uncensored NHS black lives report 12/06/2020.

Ethnicity and covid-19   BMJ 2020; 369. Published 11 June 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m2282

Questions grow about hospital face mask rule 15/06/2020

Hospitals and GP practices must have clarity and adequate supplies as new face covering rules come into effect, says BMA   Published: Monday 15 June 2020

Pressure grows for full BAME report publication    RCPE has joined calls for urgent publication of proposals to protect doctors from ethnic minorities from the threat posed by COVID-19.

Doctor alarm that testing affects insurance 16/06/2020

Positive Covid-19 tests must not ‘disadvantage’ doctors’ life insurance applications, warns BMA.    Published: Monday 15 June 2020.

Ethnic minority report finally published 17/06/2020

BMA calls for ‘tangible and urgent action’ in response to Public Health England’s latest review into Covid-19 impact on BAME communities.    BMA media team, published: Tuesday 16 June 2020

COVID-19: understanding the impact on BAME communities.    A summary of stakeholder insights into factors affecting the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. Published 16 June 2020, Public Health England.

SARS tells us covid will have serious psychological impact on staff.    By Valerie Amies, Clive Martinez, Health Service Journal, 17 June 2020.

BAME doctors still wait for risk assessments    Many doctors have still not had the COVID-19 risk assessments promised to those  from ethnic minority backgrounds, according to survey findings published today. 22/06/2020.

BAME doctors being placed at risk due to lack of Covid-19 risk assessments, BMA survey reveals    BMA media team.  BMA published: Monday 22 June  2020.

Covid-19: Doctors may quit without proper post-pandemic support, defence body warns  BMJ: Published 21 June 2020 : BMJ 2020;369:m2476

NHS ordered to speed up doctor risk assessments    NHS trusts in England have been ordered to speed up risk assessments of ethnic minority staff following complaints from doctors that large numbers remain unassessed. 26/06/2020

Covid-19: MPs reject calls to routinely test health and care workers    BMJ 2020; published 25 June 2020:  BMJ 2020;369:m2573

Call for new mental health support for NHS staff 29/06/2020

‘Doctors can look after patients only if the system looks after them’ – BMA responds to Labour mental health package.   BMA media team. Published: Monday 29 June 2020

Asymptomatic clues to Covid-19 spread   Englemed Health News, Wednesday July 1st 2020 01/07/2020,

Diagnostic accuracy of serological tests for covid-19: systematic review and meta-analysis  BMJ 2020; Published 01 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2516

'Major weaknesses' in COVID-19 antibody tests 02/07/2020,    Englemed Health News. Thursday July 2nd 2020

Protected but cut off    Some doctors have been 'shielded' from COVID-19 but the isolation that comes with it has left many feeling anxious and guilty. Achuthan Sajayan, BMA, published: Friday 3 July 2020

Distribution of faulty and out of date PPE is “national scandal,” says BMA.   BMJ 2020 Published 03 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2678

Covid-19: One in 10 cases in England occurred in frontline health and social care staff   BMJ 2020: published 07 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2717

The impact of COVID-19 on mental health in England; supporting services to go beyond parity of esteem.    BMA report

1 in 10 COVID-19 Cases in May Were Healthcare Workers: Report    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, July 06, 2020

Scoping Report on Hospital and Health Care Acquisition of COVID-19 and its Control    Royal Society DELVE Initiative, Jul 6, 2020

Lessons from Leicester: a covid-19 testing system that’s not fit for purpose   BMJ 2020: published 07 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2690

Complete protection from covid-19 is possible for health workers   BMJ 2020: published 07 July 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m2641

COVID on our minds – the pandemic has placed even more strain on mental health services    The pandemic is likely to have a severe impact on mental health, in a country where services could barely cope before it.   Jennifer Trueland, BMA: published: Monday 6 July 2020

Covid-19: MPs call on government to produce detailed plans for PPE in England    BMJ 2020: published 08 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2734

Covid-19: One in 10 cases in England occurred in frontline health and social care staff    BMJ 2020: published 07 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2717

Covid-19: England must aim for “zero tolerance” to avoid 27 000 predicted deaths, experts say    BMJ 2020; published 09 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2749

Protective equipment does not fit women 13/07/2020

Shame and sorrow as UK's clinician deaths topped only by Russia.   The UK has suffered one of the highest loss rates of health and social care workers from the COVID-19 virus, according to a major global report published today. 13/07/2020

Antibody protection fades fast – King's 13/07/2020

COVID-19: High Prevalence Rate in Front-line Health Care Workers in a UK Hospital    Priscilla Lynch, Medscape News UK, July 14, 2020

Pandemic peak SARS-CoV-2 infection and seroconversion rates in London frontline health-care workers.    Lancet, Published:July 09, 2020

England’s PPE procurement failures must never happen again   BMJ 2020: Published 17 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2858















































NHS Pensions 15/06/2020

NHS Pensions.

Created Wednesday, March 08, 2017, Friday September 2019  R Muirhead

Call to rethink pension tax rules   BMA Last updated: 15 August 2018

Pension rule changes needed to retain experienced doctors 16/08/2018

Workforce crisis: “punitive” cuts to pension tax relief must be   reversed, say consultants   Published 01 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l977

Consultant pension problems "of concern" - minister 03/04/2019

Court bid to overturn tragic locum GP pension anomaly 12/04/2019. I think this is applicable to all of us employed as locums.

Cash payments plan to beat pension problem 15/04/2019

Reform pension rules or doctors will reduce their hours, BMA warns chancellor    Published 25 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1885

Consultants threaten widespread hours reduction 25/04/2019

Part-time working but not pensions in medical workforce plan 07/05/2019
Doctor shortages in the NHS will be tackled by a crackdown on bullying and poor working conditions – but not by pension reform, according to a leaked NHS document.

Radical solution needed for consultant pensions crisis - expert 08/05/2019

Government considers pension trap rules 13/05/2019

Cut hours to boost pensions, consultants told 15/05/2019

BMA rejects pensions flexibility plan.    Doctors' leaders last night rejected the government's proposals to end the pensions "trap" leading high-earning doctors to cut their hours. 22/05/2019

Chancellor Stands by Controversial NHS Pensions Taper    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, May 22, 2019

Pension flexibility pledge as workforce plan unveiled 03/06/2019

NHS England People Plan Promises Pensions Action  Nicky Broyd, Medscape News UK, June 03, 2019

The pensions paradox: would you pay to work?    BMA Last updated: 14 June 2019

Pensions' tax devastating the profession, finds survey   BMA  Last updated: 18 June 2019

Doctors’ early retirement triples in a decade   Published 21 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4360

Pensions: hard work rewarded with penalty    BMA Last updated: 26 June 2019

BMA takes legal action over pensions transfer   BMA Last updated: 04 July 2019

BMA launches pensions modeller   BMA Last updated: 04 July 2019

Pension tax: Hancock urges doctors not to retire and pledges to “fix” crisis by 2020    Published 10 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4634

Pension trap blamed for waiting list increase 12/07/2019

Thousands set for pension compensation in age discrimination ruling 17/07/2019

Government under pressure for "radical" pension traps reforms 23/07/2019

Most GPs and consultants now cutting hours over pensions 01/08/2019

NHS pensions: thousands of doctors have cut their working hours to avoid tax charges, survey finds    Published 01 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5006

Pensions: paying to work    BMA Last updated: 06 August 2019

Doctors to get flexibility on pension contributions from next year    Published 06 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5053

New plan to tackle pensions crisis 07/08/2019

NHS Pension Rules To Be Overhauled: Govt    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, August 07, 2019

New plan to tackle pensions crisis 07/08/2019

Employers on standby to implement pension changes 08/08/2019

Treasury concedes ground on punitive pensions rules   BMA Last updated: 08 August 2019

NHS pensions: tax rules are biggest threat to medical workforce, says BMA    Published 30 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4941

Pensions crisis blamed for record waiting lists 09/08/2019

LLP possibility for pension solution   Some consultants may form limited liability partnerships to try to reduce pension commitments, it has been reported. 16/08/2019

The fight to end the pension tax trap continues    Published 21 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5135

Trusts try flexible salary to avoid pensions trap 22/08/2019

NHS pensions crisis   Published 22 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4952

Pensions crisis: the government must act    Published 22 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5229

NHS pensions: law firm invites doctors forced to join 2015 scheme to join claim against government    Published 28 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5307

BMA challenges legality of NHS Pension Scheme   BMA Last updated: 29 August 2019

Multiple contract plan for pension problem 03/09/2019

Pension trap flexibilities unveiled 11/09/2019

Pension Flexibility Plan to Help Fix NHS Staffing 'Crisis'    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, September 11, 2019

Pension trap blamed for breast cancer service collapse 17/10/2019

Pension trap plans inadequate - BMA    Government plans to tackle the pensions trap will fail and will not stop doctors reducing their hours, according to a doctors'  trade union. 24/10/2019

Government’s pension proposals won’t stop doctors reducing hours, says BMA  Zosia Kmietowicz, Published 24 October 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6196

How surgeons are cutting hours over pensions    More than two thirds of consultant surgeons have reduced their NHS commitments because of the pension tax trap, according to a survey published today. 29/10/2019

Pension trap bills approaching 100k 30/10/2019

How pensions trap is impacting specialties.    The pensions trap is causing staffing shortages in at least eight medical specialties including paediatrics and intensive care, according to an analysis published yesterday. 05/11/2019

Pension tax dossier reveals NHS service closures as doctors forced to cut hours   Nick Bostock ( GPOnline ) on the 6 November 2019

Pensions crisis: Make extra hours non-pensionable to ease winter pressure, says NHS Confederation    BMJ Published 08 November 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6441

Pensions trap "washing away" doctor expansion plans 13/11/2019

Cautious welcome for temporary pensions fix   BMA Last updated: 19 November 2019

NHS will reimburse next year’s pension tax bill on retirement, doctors are told    BMJ 2019 (Published 19 November 2019): BMJ 2019;367:l6595

Is There a Pension 'Fix' to Ease Winter NHS Pressure?    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, November 19, 2019

Scepticism about new pensions trap plan 20/11/2019

BMA demands legal guarantee over pension tax offer as accountants flag 'uncertainties'    By Nick Bostock, GPOnline, on the 22 November 2019

Tax avoidance concern over pensions fix 25/11/2019

NHS England pensions - frequently asked questions for staff     NHS England 26 Nov 2019

BMA 'Assured' Over Pre-election Pensions Fix.    Nicky Broyd, Medscape News UK, December 09, 2019

Doctors will shun pensions fix - warning 10/12/2019

Pensions tax annual allowance.   NHS England December 2019

Pensions: government review will “fix” annual allowance tax trap, says Hancock   BMJ 2019; Published 19 December 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l7052

Government NHS promises "inadequate" 23/12/2019

Doctor shortage could force pension law changes 16/01/2020

BMA rejects latest pension plan.   Doctors' leaders have rejected plans for sweeping changes to pension tax thresholds, calling them "half measures" in the search for solutions to the tax trap. 17/01/2020

Pension payment suspension unlawful   BMA Last updated: 17 January 2020

BMA / Goldstone pensions modeller.   I can't test this - perhaps you can? Last updated: 02 January 2020

Take 'decisive action' on pensions - saya Scottish NHS    BMA Last updated: 03 February 2020

NHS leaders fear pensions impact on staff morale and services for patients     NHS Providers, 28 January 2020

Explainer: pensions tax reform    BMA Last updated: 14 February 2020

Doctors call for solution to pension crisis 24/02/2020

Reverse pensions tax to boost recruitment, demand doctors leaders    BMA Last updated: 05 March 2020

CEAs (clinical excellence awards) – blessing or curse?    BMA  Last updated: 10 March 2020

BMA says Government has ‘finally listened’ to months of lobbying to fix pension taxation crisis and improve patient care    BMA  Last updated: 11 March 2020

Explainer: pensions – a step in the right direction    Following intense BMA pressure, the Government has made changes to pensions tax which means thousands of doctors will no longer be forced to leave the NHS or reduce commitments. But more needs to be done, says Jennifer Trueland. BMA Thursday 9 April 2020.

PPE for doctors' finances.   What ill health benefits does the NHS pension provide? How are these benefits affected by leaving the NHS pension scheme? What about benefits for locum doctors?  Medics Money for 17/04/2020

‘Actions, not gestures’: BMA demands full death in service benefits for doctors   by BMA media team Press release from the BMA  22 April 2020

BMA demands answers over Government’s failure to act on death in service benefits for healthcare workers    by BMA media team Press release from the BMA. Published: Sunday 26 April 2020

UK COVID-19 Daily: £60,000 Death Payments for Health Workers' Families   Tim Locke, Medscape News UK, April 27, 2020

Mixed reaction to £60k death benefit promise 28/04/2020

BMA says Government’s Death in Service Benefit for families of healthcare workers may not go far enough   by BMA media team: Press release from the BMA. Published: Monday 27 April 2020

Bereaved doctors’ families face financial shortfall     The health and social care secretary has pledged to pay all bereaved families of NHS and social care staff a £60,000 lump sum should they die from coronavirus, as more than 100 have so far. By Keith Cooper, BMA. Published: Tuesday 28 April 2020.

Pensions victory for doctors 15/06/2020

BMA wins court victory over unlawful changes to doctors’ pensions   BMA.Published: Monday 15 June 2020




























SAS Development 03/07/2020

SAS Development.

Created Monday, February 27, 2017,  R Muirhead

CME CPD eCME modules   Doctors.Net membership required.

BMA CPD (including webinars).

BMA Webinar calendar.   Next  20 Junel 2018, 18 July 2018

Health Education England - SAS development and retention programme.    A toolkit for implementation.


Other Links

Career support for SAS doctors.     Last updated: 27 October 2017  

New guide for SAS doctor development.     NHS Employers listing

SAS doctor development Feb 2017.  The full guide in PDF format. This one is the BMA website copy, but appears identical to that of NHS Employers.

BMA stresses patient safety following training report.

Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) guidance.

Applying for training.  Opportunities for SAS Doctors. 8 September 2017.

Enhancing training and the support for learners. HEE report 2018

Autonomy for SAS grade doctors -   Introduction. An interesting paper from the BMA. - 16 March 2018

Government 'devaluing' HEE's role   BMA Last updated: 29 October 2018

SAS physicians survey 2018 -  Royal College of Physicians. 30 October 2018.
From June to September 2018 the RCP conducted a UK-wide survey to assess the conditions and working practice of SAS physicians.

More support needed for SAS doctors - The RCP is calling for greater support and recognition of specialty and associate specialty doctors (SAS) following a nationwide survey. In particular, all hospitals must fully implement the SAS Charter and SAS development guide in order to address the issues raised. 30 October 2018.

Position statement in support of reopening the Associate Specialist grade - Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Association of Anaesthetists   14 November 2018

Maximising the Potential: essential measures to support SAS doctors. February 2019. Published by HEE and NHS Improvement

Measures aim to promote SAS doctors as a “genuine alternative” to postgraduate training  Published 05 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1028

Clare Gerada: Mandatory training needs a fundamental review   Published 02 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1406

What do I need to do to become a consultant?   BMJ 2020; Published 14 January 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m94

Flexibility in the Medical Training Pathway – COVID-19 Interventions   HEE 19/06/2020.

Better careers for SAS doctors   The BMA staff, associate specialist and specialty doctors committee is committed to improving the future for its members. By Lawrence Atkins, BMA, published: Thursday 2 July 2020.





SAS Contracts 21/07/2020

SAS Contracts.

Created Monday, February 27, 2017, R Muirhead

Pay scales for SAS doctors in England.  Last updated: 2 August 2017.

New models for delivering care  - Practical implications for doctors   BMA paper relating to proposed NHS changes. BMA 2017-02-14.

Relevant NHS Employers pages. 

Model SAS Contracts. FAQ, terms and conditions of service.

Extra leave for SAS Doctors.  2 days extra leave due from March 2017.

BMA's evidence to the DDRB on doctors' pay,  2017.( Sorry - this link is broken, target page has been removed )

LNC - local policies.  For LNC representatives. 24 September 2017.

European Working Time Directive.  24 September 2017.

Overview of the BMA Staff, Associate Specialists and Specialty Doctors Committee.   20 July 2017.

Pay rise for doctors in England is announced   BMJ 2018; 362  (Published 24 July 2018)

Pay award knocks profession's morale  BMA  Last updated: 07 August 2018

Doctors reject pay awards - BMA., 08/08/2018

Pay and conditions circular - October 2018   3% pay increase for SAS doctors and dentisis.
See also .NHS Employers page

Associate specialist grade to return? 24/12/2018

AS you like it- information regarding the potential reopening of the associate specialist grade. See BMA current advice for SAS career progression.

Progression guidance for SAS doctors    BMA Last updated: 07 December 2018

Senior doctors lose out on shared parental leave    BMA Last updated: 11 April 2019

Court bid to overturn tragic locum GP pension anomaly 12/04/2019. I think this is applicable to all of us employed as locums.

Call for shared parental leave anomalies to be solved 15/04/2019

SAS contract talks plans   Talks are beginning on a new contract for staff and associate specialty doctors, it has been revealed. 18/10/2019.

‘Multiyear pay and contract reform’ set for 9,000 doctors      By Nick Kituno, Health Service Journal, 17 October 2019

COVID-19: your terms and conditions: SAS doctors    BMA Updated: Wednesday 25 March 2020

Joint statement on consultant, consultant clinical academic and SAS doctor contracts during COVID-19.   An advisory notice from the BMA and NHS Employers on ensuring that working arrangements in England are only in place temporarily during the fight against coronavirus.  Published: Thursday 7 May 2020

Pay pledge "slap in face"   for trainees - SAS and cosultantans receive 2.8% backdated to April. 21/07/2020







Brexit 13/06/2020


Created Monday, February 27, 2017, R Muirhead

Health and Social Care Committee - Impact of a no deal Brexit on health and social care inquiry.

Health and Social Care Committee - Brexit – medicines, medical devices and substances of human origin inquiry.

IMPORTANT - BMA information for EU nationals wishing to stay and work in the UK after Brexit  Text of email received from Carol Blampey BMA ( slightly edited ), 3/12/2018.

Melody Redman: Don’t drive away EU medics who keep our NHS afloat.  Yorkshire Post, Thursday 23 February 2017.

Thousands of doctors may quit UK after Brexit.   Guardian, Thursday 23 February 2017, (Dr Mark Porter).

Record number of EU citizens quit working in NHS last year.   Guardian, Thursday March 30 2017.

Poll shows 60% of European doctors are considering leaving UK.  Guardian, Tuesday 28 February 2017.

Priorities for health and social care in the negotiations on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.   Academy of Royal Medical Colleges, 25 October 2016.

NHS could lose 25,000 workers because of EU vote.  Times 13 March 2017.

Brexit uncertainty hits morale of NHS staff from EU.  AOL, 27 April 2017

Medical profession at ‘crunch point’, GMC report finds.  Press Release 19 Dec 2017

BMA Brexit briefings,  Last updated:  26 February 2018

BMA briefing: Health protection and health security.  Last updated: 30 January 2018

Long division: summing up Brexit and the NHS  (Commisioned by BMA, published 26 March 2018). A review of the current state of the NHS one year before Brexit.

Brexit - what it means for the medical profession  Last updated: 27 March 2018. BMA

Healthcare first - a Brexit blueprint for Europe   Last updated: 26 February 2018. A BMA manifesto for Brexit.

Brexit is bad for our health   BMJ 2018;361:k2235, 25/05/2018

Brexit—an impartial view?   BMJ 2018;361:k2743,  22/06/ 2018

Stevens reveals NHS Brexit plans   Doctors.Net 02/07/2018

Blog spot – Brexit: a severe health warning   BMA,  Last updated: 28 June 2018

NHS prepares for 'no-deal' Brexit outcome  BMA - Last updated: 04 July 2018

Call to protect recognition of doctors’ qualifications in Brexit deal  BMA  Last updated: 06 July 2018

Plans offer Brexit hope   Doctors.Net 13/07/2018

Brexit dividend won’t fund NHS - watchdog  Doctors.Net 18/07/2018

Brexit ‘more likely to weaken’ health funding   BMA, Last updated: 19 July 2018

Brexit: 5 Questions for the MHRA  Medscape UK, July 23, 2018.

Drugs stockpile for no deal Brexit 25/07/2018

UK doctors warning over Brexit   Doctors.Net 31/07/2018

Political views of doctors in the UK: a cross-sectional study  Mandeville KL, et al. J Epidemiol Community Health 2018; 0:1–8

BMA backs last word on Brexit bargaining    Last updated: 31 July 2018

No deal would be 'catastrophic'- Brexit latest   BMA: Last updated: 16 August 2018

A health service under threat: the dangers of a 'no deal' Brexit   BMA Last updated: 16 August 2018

BMA Warns of 'Catastrophic' Consequences of No Deal Brexit  Medscape News UK, August 17, 2018

BMA warns on “no deal” Brexit 17/08/2018

Farage snubs doctor call for Brexit debate 20/08/2018

No-deal Brexit Plans Include 6 Weeks' Medicine Stockpile  Peter Russell, Medscape News UK,  23/08/2018

Britain loses medicines contracts as EU body anticipates Brexit.
European Medicines Agency ends pharma evaluations work and moves contracts to bloc. The Guardian 2 Sep 2018

Physician warns of NHS Brexit bill 05/09/2018

Doctors Warn of Huge Overseas Recruitment Bill After Brexit  Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, 06/09/2018

Beyond Brexit - International trade and health  BMA  Last updated: 10 September 2018

Brexit: the price of parting  BMA Last updated: 15 September 2018

Mixed welcome for Brexit migration report 19/09/2018

Brexit: give the people the last word    BMA Last updated: 20 September 2018

Harmful drug shortages will worsen after Brexit, doctors warn   BMJ 2018;362:k4040 Published 24 September 2018

Could Brexit harm the NHS?    BMJ 2018;362:k4014 Published 26 September 2018

Brexit 'Could Pose Risk to Combating Drugs and Addiction'  Medscape News UK 27/09/2018

Warning on Brexit impact on researchers 11/10/2018

NHS questioned on post-Brexit medicine supply 12/10/2018

UK's Health Research Status 'at Risk from No-deal Brexit'   Medscape News UK Peter Russell October 12, 2018

UK clinicians swing against Brexit - survey  15/10/2018

GMC alarm over Brexit 16/10/2018

BMA demands public vote on Brexit deal   Last updated: 22 October 2018

Researchers threaten Brexit exodus 23/10/2018

New consultant warning on no-deal Brexit 26/10/2018

Doctors to lead second referendum move 29/10/2018

Brexit Effect: 5 Questions for the European Medicines Agency    Siobhan Harris, Medscape UK October 29, 2018

There is no version of Brexit which will benefit the NHS—only varying degrees of harm    The BMJ November 13, 2018

Doctors’ last ditch Brexit plea 14/11/2018

Braced for Brexit    (Published 14 November 2018)  BMJ 2018;363:k4724

Causes of concern for the NHS after Brexit    (Published 14 November 2018)  BMJ 2018;363:k4767

Seeking informed consent on Brexit    (Published 15 November 2018)  BMJ 2018;363:k4816

EEA doctors have no faith in government, finds survey    BMA Last updated: 16 November 2018

European doctors plan exit amid Brexit chaos 16/11/2018

Government must guarantee EU doctors’ rights after Brexit, says BMA    (Published 16 November 2018)  BMJ 2018;363:k4881

Brexit harmful to patients and staff, conference hears    BMA Last updated: 16 November 2018

Government must guarantee EU doctors’ rights after Brexit, says BMA   (Published 16 November 2018) BMJ 2018;363:k4881

GP leaders vote to reject Brexit deal 26/11/2018

Government urged to clarify plan to protect drug supply in event of “no deal” Brexit   (Published 23 November 2018) BMJ 2018;363:k4984

Pharma supply promises amid “no deal” chaos warnings 08/12/2018

No-deal Brexit 'Could Cause Months of Medicines Disruption'    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, December 10, 2018

Department lacks clear plans for Brexit and deficits - MPs 19/12/2018

Trusts struggle with Brexit planning 20/12/2018

Mixed reaction to skilled migrant pledges 20/12/2018

NHS trusts struggle to produce Brexit plans amid continuing uncertainty    Published 20 December 2018, BMJ 2018;363:k5346

Medicine regulators plan for No Deal 04/01/2019

Extra 'No-deal' Brexit Info on Medicines and Clinical Trials    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, January 09, 2019

New warning on doctor immigration 14/01/2019

Pharmacists warn of a 'surge' in shortage of common medicines   Catherine Burns, health correspondent, BBC

Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee Website  - lists drug shotages

Brexit threat to child health progress 23/01/2019

Postcode Poverty and Brexit Concerns 'Threaten Child Health'    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, January 23, 2019

MPs demand answers on medicine supply in a no deal Brexit    Published 25 January 2019, BMJ 2019;364:l418

Treatments rationed and staff sleepovers for Brexit 04/02/2019

Brexit pharma delay warning 11/02/2019

Insulin Supply Concerns in the Event of a No-Deal Brexit   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 14, 2019

New Brexit radiotherapy warning - potential shortages of radioisotopes. 21/02/2019

No-deal Brexit 'Worst Possible Scenario for UK Health'  Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 26, 2019

Hospitals face Brexit costs 27/02/2019

Brexit could spell trouble for unsung heroes of UK biomedical research    Published 28 February 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l868

Brexit: put patients first, say doctors   Last updated: 01 March 2019

Life on the edge - European graduates face uncertainty    BMA 12/03/2019

An unhealthy Brexit: uncertainty threatens UK and Irish medicine, say doctors    Published 13 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1098

Doctor role in blocking "No Deal" 14/03/2019

BMA stands by People's Vote plan 15/03/2019

Doctors' Leaders Renew Call for Second Brexit Referendum   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, March 18, 2019

Brexit: GP leaders plead for government to “sort it out” to protect patients    Published 20 March 2019:  BMJ 2019;364:l1295

Brexit - No Deal plans activated 20/03/2019

Medicine shortages grow as No Deal looms 21/03/2019

Brexit: Departure date pushed back by at least two weeks.     BBC News 22/03/2019

Patients “increasingly worried” about drug supplies amid Brexit uncertainty, says royal college    Published 26 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1397

Dr Chaand Nagpaul speaks to the “Put It To The People” march.    YouTube 2019 Mar 24

Doctor plea to MPs over Brexit    BMA chair Dr Chaand Nagpaul. 01/04/2019

Brexit: UK and EU agree delay to 31 October    BBC News 11 April 2019

Brexit Postponed: NHS Sees More of the 'Circus of Uncertainty'    Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, April 16, 2019

Brexit: A French Doctor Working in London Sees Unrest    Aude Lecrubier, Medscape UK, April 16, 2019

Junior doctors warn of ‘fundamental flaws of Brexit’ 13/05/2019

EU citizens must have legal rights or more doctors will be lost, warns BMA    Published 30 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2390

How Will Brexit Affect Spanish Doctors?    Dr Javier Cotelo, Medscape News UK, June 17, 2019

EMA Reports Progress on Brexit Preparedness   Nicky Broyd,  Medscape News UK, June 18, 2019

Questions about Brexit flying pharmacy plan   The UK is to have a dedicated national freight service to ensure rapid delivery of medical products after Brexit, it was announced today. 15/08/2019

'Alarming' Freight Service Plans for No-deal Brexit Medicine Supplies    Peter Russell,  Medscape News UK, August 15, 2019

No-deal Brexit may worsen drug shortages, pharmacists warn    Published 20 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5226

Royal colleges warn Johnson on Brexit 22/08/2019

Health sector steps up no deal warnings as Parliament sidelined 29/08/2019

Assessing the health effects of a “no deal” Brexit    BMJ Published 29 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5300

No-deal Brexit would be 'catastrophic', claim unions   BMA Last updated: 29 August 2019

No deal Brexit will have a “catastrophic” impact on the NHS, BMA warns    Published 01 September 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5343

No deal could trigger NHS disintegration - BMA 02/09/2019

No deal threatens to exacerbate winter crisis    BMA Last updated: 02 September 2019

Health Leaders Warn of NHS Threat From No-deal Brexit    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, September 03, 2019

EU worker u-turn welcomed – but fails to sway MPs 05/09/2019

Brexit could damage UK surgery research 11/09/2019

Six months of shortages, Yellowhammer warns 12/09/2019

No deal Brexit: Yellowhammer document shows scale of risk to drug supplies    Published 12 September 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5529

Brexit: European health experts emphasise dangers to patient safety of no deal    BMJ Published 16 September 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5583

No deal Brexit: more work needed to protect health supplies, spending watchdog warns    BMJ 2019; Published 27 September 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5775

NHS not ready for Brexit - auditors 27/09/2019

Exiting the EU: supplying the health and social care sectors.    Department of Health & Social Care, 27/09/2019.

Pension problems threaten winter emergency care 07/10/2019

Euro medical cooperation pledge after Brexit    Medical cooperation  across Europe will continue after Brexit, senior doctors have 23/10/2019.

Brexit will not divide medical cooperation, conference hears.    BMA Last updated: 22 October 2019

Brexit and the NHS: where are we now?   A good summary on the eve of Brexit. BMJ Published 30 January 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m318

BMA spells out Brexit-day message to EU doctors: 'You are welcome here'    By Nick Bostock, GPOnline, 31 January 2020

Brexit: Implications for Health and EU Doctors   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 01, 2020

Failure to secure deal with EU will be ‘disastrous’ for NHS amid Covid recovery, warns BMA.     Published: Friday 12 June 2020

Demand to protect NHS in event of no-deal   Ministers must do ‘whatever is required’ to protect healthcare from a no-deal Brexit, the BMA has warned – ahead of a meeting between the UK and EU. By Tim Tonkin. Published: Friday 12 June 2020














































Discrimination, bullying, fatigue and other work problems 16/07/2020

Discrimination, bullying, fatigue and other work problems.

Created Tuesday, March 20, 2018, R Muirhead

How to address bullying and harassment at work.   BMA October 2017. ( Last updated: 11 September 2018 ). Anthea Mowat at her best!

Promoting dignity at work.   BMA October 2017.


Bullying and harassment research review v7 WEB.   Click to download PDF. BMA Oct 2017


Anaesthesia: A national survey of the effects of fatigue on trainees in anaesthesia in the UK.    Published 5th July 2017.

Standing together against sexual harassment.   BMA Blog, Hannah Barham-Brown, 22 Dec 2017.

Junior doctors take trust to court for denying them breaks every four hours   BMJ 2018;360:k852, published 21 February 2018

Bullying: no longer acceptable in a noble profession.   BMA Last updated: 14 February 2018. Anthea again!

Urgent action is needed to manage doctors’ fatigue, says BMA  BMJ 2018;360:k127

RCoA ARIES Talk: Fatigue and the Anaesthetist by Mike Farquhar  YouTube video

Fatigue and sleep deprivation  BMA Last updated: 15 March 2018

The fight against fatigue steps up a gear - Last updated: 16 March 2018

SAS doctors continue to suffer from bullying  Amit Kochhar BMA interview.

Hospital boss bans employees from telling patients trust is short-staffed  The Telegraph 26/04/2018

BMA statement on RCP junior doctors recruitment error  06 May 2018

Getting rostering right for doctors   BMA updated: 22 May 2018

Welsh hospitals to get official fatigue charter 21/06/2018

Blog spot – should consultants be excused night shifts once they’re 50?   BMA Last updated: 26 June 2018. This affects SAS doctors too - we will be asked to vote on this!

Warning on medical burnout 23/07/2018

A third of consultants are bullied, says survey  BMA Last updated: 02 August 2018. It's not just us! Read the full survey results here.

Burnout linked to suboptimal patient care, study finds   BMJ 2018; 362  (Published 04 September 2018),

Early retirement surge in hospitals  05/09/2018

More hospital doctors are opting to retire early   BMJ 2018;362:k3744

Ending the silence - bullying and harassment   BMA Last updated: 17 September 2018

Blame culture and safety fears on the rise, finds survey   BMA Last updated: 19 September 2018

Poor morale and fear of error blighting medicine – BMA 20/09/2018

Survey of UK doctors highlights blame culture within the NHS   BMJ 2018;362:k4001  Published 20 September 2018

Call for bullying zero tolerance in medicine  21/09/2018

Pledge to improve mental health care support for doctors 24/09/2018

Wake-up call - BMA report on sleep deprivation  BMA Last updated: 24 September 2018

The consultation: mind over matter - mental health issues for BME doctors  BMA Last updated: 28 September 2018

Social media abuse blighting doctors’ mental health 05/10/2018

Making doctors better: personal resilience was never enough — systems must change  BMJ 2018; 363:k4147 (Published 03 October 2018)

NHS promises support amid new burn-out warnings 08/10/2018

Your mental health - take part in our survey    BMA  Last updated: 09 October 2018

New warning on medical mental health 10/10/2018

To be fair - BMA president Dinesh Bhugra intereview  BMA  Last updated: 10 October 2018

BMA surveys doctors' mental health   Last updated: 10 October 2018

NHS England extends support service for GPs to all doctors    BMA Last updated: 11 October 2018

Tell me what's wrong - Henrietta Hughes, NHS national guardian.   BMA   Last updated: 12 October 2018

Stress, Stigma, and Doctors' Mental Health – 5 Questions for the Society of Occupational Medicine   Siobhan Harris Medscape UK October 17, 2018

NHS bullying costing billions 25/10/2018 ( see also )

Bullying costs NHS £2.3bn, finds study   BMA Last updated: 24 October 2018 ( see also )

The Financial Cost to the NHS of Bullying: 5 Questions    Siobhan Harris,  Medscape UK, October 24, 2018

Regulators ignored trainees over London hospital crisis 31/10/2018

Government promises crackdown on violence against NHS staff 31/10/2018

Govt Pledges Zero Tolerance on NHS Staff Assaults    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, October 31, 2018

How bullying takes its toll on medicine - report 31/10/2018

Bullying and harassment in the NHS: policy recommendations    BMA Last updated: 31 October 2018
See also text of report.

Why junior doctors need more autonomy - a discussion on workplace bullying.   BMJ 2018;363:k4525 01/11/2018

1 in 5 Doctors Say They Have Been Bullied in the Last Year    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, November 01, 2018

NHS needs #Metoo moment to stamp out sexual harassment, doctors' union says    The Telegraph 1 November 2018

Bullying in the workplace: almost 40% of doctors think it is a problem, BMA finds   Published 01 November 2018 BMJ 2018;363:k4637

New RCP code of conduct aims to challenge #MeToo behaviours    Published 06 November 2018 BMJ 2018;363:k4678
Emma Vaux, vice president of the RCP and Simon Flemming, orthopedic registrar join us to talk about the new RCP code of conduct for doctors. See also RCP Code of Conduct

New code of conduct for physicians 07/11/2018

No blame campaign steps up 20/11/2018

Govt Gosport Response: Support for Whistleblowers    Tim Locke, Medscape UK, November 21 2018

New whistle-blower safeguards promised 23/11/2018

Measures to support whistleblowers win backing  BMA Last updated: 23 November 2018

Bullying prevalent amongst NHS senior ranks - report 28/11/2018

Burnout 'Threatens High Quality Training for Junior Doctors'   Peter Russell,   Medscape UK, December 03, 2018

Breaking point as doctors consider other options 05/12/2018

Fatigue and facilities charter   BMA Last updated: 07 December 2018. Full report in resources

Whistleblower seeks to reopen case 14/12/2018

In place of fear - BMA   Last updated: 17 December 2018

Medscape UK Doctors' Burnout & Lifestyle Survey 2018 slideshow.   Tim Locke | December 18, 2018

Doubts over resilience interventions   Englemed news, Wednesday December 19th, 2018

NHS Workload 'Increasing Risk of Patient Harm': CQC   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, December 19, 2018

Nearly a Third of UK Doctors Experience Burnout   Tim Locke, Medscape News UK. December 22, 2018

How Low is the Glass Ceiling for Women Surgeons?    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, January 08, 2019

A woman’s place is in theatre: women’s perceptions and experiences of working in surgery from the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland women in surgery working group.    Maria Irene Bellini1, Yitka Graham2,3, Catherine Hayes2, Roxanna Zakeri4, Rowan Parks5,6, Vassilios Papalois1,7

Consultants plan NHS exodus 10/01/2019

Pension rules force consultants to retire early    BMA Last updated: 10 January 2019

Consultants Consider Early Retirement Due to Work Pressures    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, January 10, 2019

Brief history of burnout   Published 27 December 2018,  BMJ 2018;363:k5268

Thousands lodge exception reports – but is it under-reporting? 15/01/2019

Warning as race discrimination fears increase in NHS 17/01/2019

Career breaks and service posts lure stressed juniors 31/01/2019

Study begins into managing night shift fatigue 04/02/2019

New call for action on doctor breaks 07/02/2019

Give us a break   BMJ Published 06 February 2019. BMJ 2019;364:l481

Campaign Launched to Give Doctors a Break   Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, February 07, 2019

Bias against female doctors won’t end until evidence based interventions are mandatory    BMJ Published 08 February 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l637

How UK Doctors' Lifestyle and Burnout Compares Internationally   Tim Locke, Medscape News UK, February 14, 2019

Burnout affects fewer doctors in UK - but is more intense 18/02/2019


Provide doctors with rest spaces and on-call rooms, says mental health review   Published 21 February 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l848

Bullying and sexual harassment 'endemic' in NHS hospitals   The Guardian 24/02/2019

Taking exception.  Exception reporting can be a force for change in the health service.   BMA 12/03/2019

Medscape National ( USA ) Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide Report 2019

Whistleblowers: promises of protection are repeatedly broken, meeting hears   Published 28 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1482

Clare Gerada: Mandatory training needs a fundamental review   Published 02 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1406

External investigation into harassment claims    BMA Last updated: 03 April 2019

BMA Launches Sexual Harassment Inquiry   Nicky Broyd, Medscape News UK, April 03, 2019

Point break - recent BMA members survey ao stress    BMA  Last updated: 23 April 2019

Students and junior doctors facing high burnout risk - survey 23/04/2019

Campaign for a kinder NHS to tackle medical mental health problems 24/04/2019

Call for Muslim-friendly theatre policies 24/04/2019

Report Highlights Doctors' Mental Health Crisis    Nicky Broyd,  Medscape News UK, April 24, 2019

Doctors still see own mental health problems as sign of weakness, research finds    Published 23 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1861

Supporting the mental health of doctors and medical students   BMA Last updated: 23 April 2019

Doctors 'injured' by NHS stress - RCP 25/04/2019

GP suicides: lack of support for female doctors    Published 02 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1908

GP suicides: LMCs call for action to reduce “appalling” numbers    Published 20 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1286

Bullying problem "understated" – summit hears 08/05/2019

Doctors intimidated at NHS Highland, finds review   BMA Last updated: 10 May 2019

A winter’s tale - third RCP poll tells story of a service reliant on goodwill from a demoralised workforce.  (Click "Notes to editors" for full results.)  Royal College of Physicians 14 May 2019

Most hospital doctors experienced staff shortages last winter, says RCP   Published 14 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2206

Pressures bubble as doctors work above and beyond.   Most physicians worked "above and beyond" over the last winter in the face of chronic staffing shortages, a survey has found. 15/05/2019

Doctors' binge response to stress 16/05/2019

Does occupational distress raise the risk of alcohol use, binge-eating, ill health and sleep problems among medical doctors? A UK cross-sectional study.  BMJOpen May 15 2019.

How not to get bored mid-career   Published 22 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2274

Burn-out recognition will aid doctors 29/05/2019

I launched an anti-bullying campaign to change culture in healthcare    Published 29 May 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l2325

Lawyer gets BMA sexism probe under way 19/06/2019

Staff speak of serious sexual harassment 20/06/2019

1 in 12 NHS Staff Experience Sexual Harassment at Work    Nicky Broyd, Medscape News UK, June 20, 2019

Independent investigator outlines inquiry into sexual harassment allegations    BMA Last updated: 21 June 2019

BMA council chair addresses inequality, discrimination and pay    BMA  Last updated: 24 June 2019

Doctors face "culture of threat and fear" 25/06/2019

How to fix doctors’ rotas   Published 27 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4367

Survey reveals continuing rota gap problem 09/07/2019.

Clare Gerada: Doctors’ mental health and stigma—the tide is turning   Published 16 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4583

Inspectors apologise to paediatrician over whistleblowing   A paediatrician is to get an apology from the Care Quality Commission for its handling of his attempts to blow the whistle on the death of a child. 25/07/2019

Burnout in healthcare: the case for organisational change   Published 30 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4774

The pressure to cope   Alastair Watt’s death raised serious questions about how the NHS looks after it doctors when they return to work after illness. Robert Wrate finds parallels with his own research into an NHS culture where doctors soldier on in all circumstances, even though the service is not resourced to meet demand.  BMA Last updated: 09 August 2019

Do You Work in a 'Diva Subculture'?   Nicky Broyd,  Medscape News UK, August 14, 2019

Support might prevent medicine's divas and faction-fighters - report 14/08/2019

Clare Gerada: Preventing suicide in medical staff    Published 27 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5231

Almost half of consultant anaesthetists have had a car accident or near miss on their commute home because of fatigue    BMJ Published 03 September 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5341

Culture of fear afflicts NHS - BMA 13/09/2019.
The NHS is now suffering a "persistent culture of fear" as staff shortages and growing pressures create a toxic combination, the British Medical Association says.

Inequality is a preventable disease within our profession   Chaand Nagpaul, BMA, 24 Sep 2019

Allowing more doctors to work less than full time could reduce burnout, says royal college    Published 27 September 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5778

New evidence of doctors on edge of burn-out 30/09/2019

Burnout and work–life balance: getting personal   Clare Bostock, © 2019 Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

New Insights Into Sexual Harassment at Work: Medscape UK Doctors' Survey    Tim Locke, Medscape News UK:  October 1, 2019

Sexual Harassment of UK Doctors: Report 2019    Tim Locke, Dr Rob Hicks, Medscape News UK: October 1, 2019

Call for action on doctor mental welfare    Doctors face multiple threats to their mental welfare with little or no workplace support, according to a major report published today. 10/10/2019

Pressure points.    A new study highlights the risk factors to doctors’ mental health, as the BMA introduces a charter to help employers ease pressure on the profession. BMA, Last updated: 10 October 2019

NHS bosses must tackle mental health crisis among doctors, says BMA   BMJ 2019; Published 10 October 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l5974

​Report into sexism at the BMA published    BMA 17 October 2019

Independent investigation into sexism and sexual harassment at the BMA.    BMA 17 October 2019

Daphne Romney's report - sexism.     Alongside the findings, Daphne Romney makes 31 recommendations.

Doctor burnout helpline goes national 21/10/2019

Mental Health Helpline for Doctors and Dentists    More than 180,000 doctors and dentists in England can now access round-the-clock confidential advice to support mental wellbeing. Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, October 22, 2019

Stress undermining retention, says GMC    BMA  Last updated: 24 October 2019. See GMC report !

The state of medical education and practice in the UK: the workforce report 2019.     GMC October 2019.

Sexism and sexual harassment at the BMA    Jane Dacre, professor of medical education. BMJ 2019; Published 25 October 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6200

Gender bias is sadly not a thing of the past    BMA Blog spot: Last updated: 01 November 2019

Conference aims to tackle medical gender inequality 01/11/2019

Physician suicides now a priority – doctor group 05/11/2019

Gender inequality: call to focus on listening    BMA: Last updated: 06 November 2019

Don’t accept racist abuse, Hancock tells NHS staff    BMJ Published 07 November 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6425

Doctors’ wellbeing: GMC promises action   BMJ Published 15 November 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6484

Time for rest, food and rota standards – GMC report   Hospitals should be required to meet fixed standards for doctor food and rest facilities, according to the findings of a major review published today. 15/11/2019

Doctors’ wellbeing: a call to action   BMA blog Sarah Louise Hallett 21 Nov 2019

Alarm at new evidence of doctor burnout    More than 40% of trainees in obstetrics and  gynaecology may be suffering from "burnout" – and this is affecting their practice, according to a major new analysis. 26/11/2019.

Burnout, well-being and defensive medical practice among obstetricians and gynaecologists in the UK: cross-sectional survey study.    BMA Online issue publication November 25, 2019

Suicide in anaesthetists: five minutes with . . . Samantha Shinde   BMJ 2019 Published 02 December 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6781

Guidelines on suicide amongst anaesthetists 2019    Anaesthesia Nov 2019

Supporting disabled doctors and medical students   BMA Last updated: 03 December 2019

Doctors at West Suffolk hospital 'too scared' to report safety issues   Guardian Wed 11 Dec 2019

How doctors seek flexible working to avoid burnout 18/12/2019

Make medical training more flexible to accommodate doctors’ changing needs, says GMC    BMJ 2019; Published 18 December 2019:  BMJ 2019;367:l7021  

SAS doctors: bullied and burnt out   BMA Last updated: 09 January 2020

Breaking the burnout cycle. Keeping doctors and patients safe   Medical Protection Society September 2019

Caring for doctors - Caring for patients   © 2019 General Medical Council. Published November 2019

Belittling, rudeness – the experience of SAS and LE doctors 09/01/2020

Rude behaviour towards SAS doctors is unacceptable, says GMC   BMJ 2020; Published 09 January 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m84

Doctor burnout and compassion fatigue rising, survey suggests 28/01/2020

Resilience, burnout and coping mechanisms in UK doctors: a cross-sectional study.   BMJ Open 28/01/2020

Who are SAS doctors anyway?   Dr Joanne Younge, Associate Specialist and SAS Lead in Northern Ireland. Opinion Blog

Are BAME Doctors Treated Unfairly?    Siobhan Harris,  Medscape UK, January 29, 2020

NHS hospitals bring in sleep pods to help tired staff take a break.    Pods have been installed or are being trialled by a dozen hospitals in England. The Guardian 03/02/2020.

Urgent inquiry is ordered into trust that subjected doctors to “witch hunt” to identify whistleblower   BMJ 2020; Published 30 January 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m366

Racism in medicine    BMJ 12/02/2020

Pregnant doctors among bullying victims in "worst winter" 13/02/2020

Undermined and overlooked: SAS doctors respond to survey    BMA Last updated: 14 February 2020

Alarm as harassment levels increase 19/02/2020

How to achieve a healthy work-life balance   BMJ Learning Last updated: 28 Feb 2020

Coroner to ask GMC to check vulnerability of doctors it investigates    BMJ 2020; Published 02 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m835

Pressure grows on hospital over whistleblowing 09/03/2020

Unfairness laid bare – exclusive dress codes    BMA Last updated: 12 March 2020

One step forward... the maze ethnic minority doctors must traverse    BMA Last updated: 12 March 2020

Don’t panic: five minutes with . . . Kai Zacharowski    The president of the European Society of Anaesthesiology advises doctors on getting through the covid-19 pandemic. BMJ 2020; 368 Published 17 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m1092

UK COVID-19 Daily: 'Doctors Gagged Over PPE Shortages'    Tim Locke, Medscape News UK, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus: NHS doctors ‘gagged’ over protective equipment shortages.    The Independent, 31/03/2020

Gagging row raises temperature on mask shortages    NHS managers are seeking to prevent doctors from speaking out about protective equipment shortages, it has been alleged. 01/04/2020

Almost half of UK doctors suffering from burnout, depression or anxiety, BMA survey reveals,   by BMA media team. Press release from the BMA. Published: Sunday 19 April 2020

Hancock: Staff should be free to speak out over coronavirus concerns    By Matt Discombe, Health Service Journal, 21 April 2020

Covid-19: doctors are warned not to go public about PPE shortages    BMJ 2020; Published 21 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1592

Clare Gerada: Understanding burnout    BMJ 2020; Published 28 April 2020: BMJ 2020;369:m1595

Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce   Royal College of Physicians, 24 April 2020

Broken and exhausted    The BMA has conducted the largest survey of frontline doctors during the COVID-19 crisis thus far – with more than 16,000 respondents. Peter Blackburn (BMA) reports what the findings tell us about the effect of the crisis on workload, staff wellbeing and patient care. Published: Tuesday 12 May 2020.

Anger as doctors "gagged" over PPE 15/05/2020

Childcare support for doctors must improve.  Doctors have been unable to work because they cannot find sufficient childcare, says BMA representative body chair Helena McKeown. BMA. Published: Wednesday 20 May 2020.

Doctors bear mental brunt as UK eases lockdown 21/05/2020

Medscape UK Ethics Report 2020: Money, Romance, and Patients.    Tim Locke, Medscape UK May 26, 2020.

Struggle and strain. COVID-19 has placed doctors under unimaginable pressure, with many reporting heightened stress, finds a BMA survey. Tim Tonkin reports from the front line. Published: Monday 1 June 2020.

PM urged to publish uncensored NHS black lives report 12/06/2020.

Pressure grows for full BAME report publication    RCPE has joined calls for urgent publication of proposals to protect doctors from ethnic minorities from the threat posed by COVID-19.

SARS tells us covid will have serious psychological impact on staff.    By Valerie Amies, Clive Martinez, Health Service Journal, 17 June 2020.

BAME doctors still wait for risk assessments    Many doctors have still not had the COVID-19 risk assessments promised to those  from ethnic minority backgrounds, according to survey findings published today. 22/06/2020.

BAME doctors being placed at risk due to lack of Covid-19 risk assessments, BMA survey reveals    BMA media team.  BMA published: Monday 22 June  2020.

Survey of doctors reveals high levels of exhaustion, stress and little confidence to manage the huge backlog of missed patient care   BMA media team published: Sunday 21 June 2020

Unite to combat the “toxic” discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ staff and patients.    By Layla McCay, Health Service Journal, 26 June 2020

Call for new mental health support for NHS staff 29/06/2020

‘Doctors can look after patients only if the system looks after them’ – BMA responds to Labour mental health package.   BMA media team. Published: Monday 29 June 2020

There should be a public inquiry into BME staff wellbeing in the NHS.    Narinder Kapur, Health Service Journal, 29 June 2020

Enough empty words: four actions the NHS must take to tackle racism.    By Professor Partha Kar, Health Service Journal, 1 July 2020

Psychiatry challenged over racial bias    A medical student has told how she has abandoned her plan of becoming a psychiatrist because of the profession's failure to tackle racial bias. 01/07/2020

Protected but cut off    Some doctors have been 'shielded' from COVID-19 but the isolation that comes with it has left many feeling anxious and guilty. Achuthan Sajayan, BMA, published: Friday 3 July 2020

Psychiatrists urge royal college to tackle racism   BMJ 2020 Published 03 July 2020: BMJ 2020;370:m2657

'A slave master situation': the lived experiences of NHS BAME staff    By Shilpa Ross, Health service Journal, 7 July 2020

COVID on our minds – the pandemic has placed even more strain on mental health services    The pandemic is likely to have a severe impact on mental health, in a country where services could barely cope before it.   Jennifer Trueland, BMA: published: Monday 6 July 2020

Gynaecologists launch race equality project 16/07/2020









































































GMC- CME, CESR, revalidation, credentialing 26/06/2020

GMC - CME, CESR, revalidation, credentialing, professional standards.

Created Monday, February 27, 2017,  R Muirhead

The GMC main revalidation page

Introduction to Revalidation.   BMA advice, last update 12 January 2017.

GMC statement in response to the publication of Sir Keith Pearson's review of revalidation ('Taking Revalidation Forward'). 13 January 2017. read all about forthcoming changes to revalidation.

Credentialing  Click here for all news regarding credentialing. More expected this coming Spring 2019!

BMA backs GMC commitment to reduce burden of revalidation on doctors,  National Health Executive, 20 July 2017. 

GMC commitments follow Bawa-Garba ruling  Last updated: 07 February 2018

GMC calls for law change to make doctors’ reflections legally protected   BMJ 2018 (Published 27 March 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;360:k1416

GMC reveals six-point action plan to overhaul revalidation, Pulse, 20 July 2017.

GMC should lose right to appeal fitness to practise decisions, says BMA    Published 17 April 2018

GMC - Quality pledge on revalidation  Doctors Net 01/05/2018

GMC in the spotlight.   BMJ 2018; (Published 14 June 2018.

Julien Warshafsky: how this doctor died and what it tells us about the system that failed him
BMJ 2018;  (Published 14 June 2018). Clare Dyer,  legal correspondent, The BMJ ( ).

Plans to ingrain exception reporting into the workplace.  BMA, last updated: 15 June 2018

Standing by his decision - GMC chief executive Charlie Massey   BMA Last updated: 26 June 2018

Employers must tackle high level of burnout among trainees, says GMC    BMJ 2018;362:k3018, published 09/07/2018

Mass appeal  BMA Last updated: 01 August 2018. Charlie Massey tries to improve the image of the GMC

Recriminations as doctors celebrate Bawa-Garba win 14/08/2018

Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively..
Kiron Koshy, BSc, MBBS, Christopher Limb, MBBS, MRes, Buket Gundogan, BSc, MBBS, corresponding author Katharine Whitehurst, BSc, MBBS, and Daniyal J. Jafree, BSc
Int J Surg Oncol (N Y). 2017 Jul; 2(6): e20. Published online 2017. Good paper!

Don’t use our fees to pay Bawa-Garba’s court costs, doctors tell GMC  BMJ 2018;362:k3612, published 21/08/2018

Medical watchdog chief faces calls to step down over Bawa-Garba case   The Guardian 28/08/2018

Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba: GMC boss told position is 'untenable'  BBC News Leicester 28/08/2018

GMC - CESR CEGPR application process  Published 31 July 2018

Reflective notes do not need “details” - GMC guidance 3/09/2018  ( Document available on Resources page )

GMC Advocates Safe Reflective Practice  Medscape UK September 12, 2018

New court rebuff to GMC  - GMC continues to appeal MTPS detirminations pending new legislation 18/09/2018

GMC is told to use restraint in appealing against tribunal findings   BMJ 2018;362:k3970, published 19/09/2018

GMC investigators to learn about human factors 11/10/2018

GMC investigators get training to include system issues in fitness to practise decisions    BMJ 018;363:k4295 (Published 11 October 2018)

GMC alarm over Brexit 16/10/2018

GMC should apologise for its handling of Bawa-Garba case, says RCP president    (Published 12 November 2018)  BMJ 2018;363:k4784

GMC strengthens governance as Bawa-Garba pressure continues  13/11/2018

Statement on Zholia Alemi : Charlie Massey, Chief Executive of the GMC   Published 18 November 2018

Fake psychiatrist case puts thousands of doctors under scrutiny   The Guardian 19/11/2018

Checks on Some Foreign Doctors after Fake Psychiatrist Case   Peter Russell, Medscape UK, November 19, 2018

GMC checks 3000 doctors’ credentials after fraudulent psychiatrist practised for 23 years   (Published 20 November 2018)  BMJ 2018;363:k4909

Rotas and handovers triggering trainee burnout - GMC 30/11/2018

Medical training at risk, finds GMC report   BMA,  Last updated: 05 December 2018.

GMC - Skills database to help with doctor shortages 06/12/2018

Survey to study highs and lows of SAS working 12/03/2019

GMC - SAS doctors to be asked about their workplace experiences for the first time    Published 12 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1140

GMC National training surveys 2018: Initial findings report

GMC annual national training survey - initial findings.    NHS Employers

Doctors’ access to rest facilities included in GMC annual training surveys   Published 19 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1261

Trainees to be asked about rest facilities 20/03/2019

Will human factors restore faith in the GMC?   Published 22 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1037

GMC plans to survey SAS doctors    BMA Last updated: 28 March 2019

Doctors to be trained in tackling sexist and bullying behaviour 04/04/2019

GMC plans to speed up FTP decision-making    BMA Last updated: 18 April 2019

Doctors who make single clinical mistake are unlikely to face full GMC investigation under new process    Published 18 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1829

GMC 'One-Off Mistake' Pilot Reduces Full Investigations    Nicky Broyd,  Medscape News UK, April 18, 2019

GMC pledges to reduce complaints pressure on doctors 18/04/2019

SAS doctor survey launched 01/05/2019

GMC to lead fight to abolish court appeals 06/06/2019

GMC urged to build on good will 06/06/2019

Review Urges GMC to Mend Damaged Relationship with Doctors    Peter Russell, Medscape News UK, June 06, 2019.

GMC must apologise - physicians 07/06/2019

General Medical Council. Independent review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide. June 2019.

Bawa-Garba: legal advice to GMC was incorrect, chief executive acknowledges    Published 13 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4218

A change of tone from the GMC—but can they win back doctors’ trust?   Samantha Batt-Rawden June 12, 2019

Regulators call for greater reflection in medicine 19/06/2019

Poor induction and lack of honest feedback is blamed for higher rate of GMC referrals among BAME doctors    Published 25 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4391

Poor support and isolation are factors in BAME doctors getting more GMC referrals    GMC Published 25 June 2019

FAIR TO REFER? The full GMC report

Recruit patients to help revalidation - call 04/07/2019

GMC loses right to appeal tribunal decisions or ask for doctors’ reflective notes    Published 10 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4631

GMC fought to erase Bawa-Garba to uphold profession’s reputation    Published 07 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5067

Unwelcome attention    Overseas and BAME doctors are referred to the GMC in disproportionately high numbers. BMA Last updated: 09 August 2019

How doctors in senior leadership roles establish and maintain a positive patient-centred culture.    GMC, Published 12 August 2019.

Do You Work in a 'Diva Subculture'?   Nicky Broyd,  Medscape News UK, August 14, 2019

Support might prevent medicine's divas and faction-fighters - report 14/08/2019

Keeping silent at GMC hearings could draw “adverse inferences,” says High Court    Published 20 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5224

The state of medical education and practice in the UK: the workforce report 2019.     GMC October 2019.

Doctors' advocate.    An incoming GMC deputy medical director plans to feed back grassroots' concerns from doctors working on the ground under vast pressure. BMA  Last updated: 29 October 2019

Doctors’ wellbeing: GMC promises action   BMJ Published 15 November 2019: BMJ 2019;367:l6484

GMC. The state of medical education and practice in the UK: the workforce report    GMC December 2019

(The state of medical educationand practice in the UK.    The actual GMC workforce report, 2019.)

Caring for doctors - Caring for patients   © 2019 General Medical Council. Published November 2019

Specialty, associate specialist and locally employed doctors workplace experiences survey 2019: initial findings report. Jan 2020.     © 2020 General Medical Council. 

What lies beneath: getting under the skin of GMC referrals    Racism in Medicine, BMJ 2020; Published 12 February 2020s: BMJ 2020;368:m338

GMC Boss Calls for Urgent Regulation Overhaul    Tim Locke,  Medscape News UK, February 25, 2020

Regulation overhaul urgently needed, says GMC Chief Executive.   GMC Tuesday 25 February 2020

Coroner to ask GMC to check vulnerability of doctors it investigates    BMJ 2020; Published 02 March 2020: BMJ 2020;368:m835

The General Medical Council - Our emergency powers      In an emergency the Secretary of State for Health can activate Section 18a of the Medical Act (1983)This means they can ask us to grant temporary registration to certain groups of appropriate people, to supplement doctor numbers and provide cover in a range of roles.  

Coronavirus – GMC writes to doctors who may be asked to help    GMC 19/03/2020

Exams for doctors in training – Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, COPMeD and GMC statement    GMC 20/03/2020

Coronavirus – GMC grants temporary registration to 11,800 doctors    GMC Friday 27 March 2020

GMC asked to register further groups of doctors   GMC 2 April 2020

Statement on advance care planning during the Covid-19 pandemic, including do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR)    GMC 15 April 2020

GMC simplifies access to CCT    by Tim Tonkin. The BMA has welcomed a landmark decision by the GMC to simplify access to the CCT (certificate of completion of training) for doctors in training. Published: Thursday 7 May 2020

Combined programme application – CESR CP  GMC. Uploaded 07 May 2020

Coronavirus – GMC confirms revalidation date changes.    GMC, published 8 June 2020.

Plea for stranded overseas doctors    Several hundred doctors are in the UK and unable to work because of the cancellation of language and competence tests, the BMA has revealed. 24/06/2020

Call to extend overseas doctors’ visas   The Government has been urged to extend the visas of overseas doctors stranded in the UK, as part of an urgent joint intervention led by the BMA.     Tim Tonkin, BMA, published: Wednesday 24 June 2020.

Clare Gerada: What to do with appraisal   BMJ: Published 22 June 2020 : BMJ 2020;369:m2450









































Patient safety and gross negligence manslaughter 14/11/2019

Patient safety and gross negligence manslaughter  ( inc. Dr Bawa-Garba )

Created Friday, February 02, 2018,  R Muirhead

Record of Determinations – Medical Practitioners Tribunal .  The original ruling - which the GMC appealed against.

2018 appeal court decision.

Health and Social Care Committee - Patient safety and gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare inquiry.

If either of the above links are broken please notify me.

RCGP supports Academy response to High Court ruling on Dr Bawa-Garba case.  Academy of Royal Colleges response.

Hadiza Bawa-Garba could have been any member of frontline staff working in today’s overstretched NHS- BMJ. Do you fancy your chances?

To Err is Homicide in Britain – The Case of Dr. Hadiza Bawa-Garba.    Written from an American perspective, however compelling reading.

GPs boycott reflective entries for appraisal after Bawa-Garba case.   Reflective entries in her self-appraisal were used against her. Should we delete all such entries?

Crowdfunding drive for doctor struck off over six-year-old boy's death.   Fancy contributing?

Dr Hawa-Garba - 120 letters to BMJ.

The lessons of Bawa-Garba must not be lost on SAS doctors ( The BMA Blog, Amit Kochhar, 22 Mar 2018 )

Paediatricians condemn treatment of Bawa-Garba  (Published 16 March 2018)

Bawa-Garba granted Court of Appeal challenge against erasure ruling  Leave to appeal now granted, BMJ article.

BMA registers interest in Bawa-Garba’s appeal against erasure.  BMA aaplying to intervene as an "interested party".

Bawa-Garba case reveals 'climate of fear '  BMA. Last updated: 27 April 2018

Legal quarantine could protect trainees from scapegoating -  Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association

Medical manslaughter prosecutions are a postcode lottery, warns GMC chief    By Nick Bostock ( GPOnline ) on the 9 May 2018

BMA steps in to prevent erasure from Medical Register  Last updated: 09 May 2018

New reflective guidance to tackle Bawa-Garba backlash.   Doctors.Net 19/05/2018

After Bawa-Garba: what the future holds for a medical profession feeling let down by its regulator   BMA 18/05/2018

GMC unveils negligence task force BMA updated: 22 May 2018

“We would employ Hadiza Bawa-Garba,” say 159 paediatricians   BMJ 2018; 361. (Published 30 May 2018)

Medscape News UK - Hunt Pledges New Support for Doctors to Learn From Mistakes.  Peter Russell, June 11, 2018.

GMC to be stripped of appeal rights after Bawa-Garba outcry  Doctors.Net 11/06/2018

GMC could lose power to appeal fitness-to-practise decisions   BMA last updated: 12 June 2018

Standing by his decision - GMC chief executive Charlie Massey   BMA Last updated: 26 June 2018

GMC defies Bawa-Garba inquiry recommendations  04/07/2018

Just one in four doctors comfortable with reflective practice, huge BMA poll reveals.    GPonline, Nick Bostock on the 4 July 2018.

BAPIO intervention in Bawa-Garba case 05/07/2018

BMA highlights removal from Medical Register implications  Last updated: 25 July 2018

Bawa-Garba a “lighting rod”, court told 26/07/2018

MPs back ‘safe space’ investigations body 02/08/2018

The Bawa-Garba case and GMC appeal  BMA Last updated: 13 August 2018. Dr Bawa-Garbo has won her appeal agianst the GMC.

Summary statement of the BMA’s submission to the Bawa-Garba appeal

Bawa-Garba's removal from Medical Register overturned  BMA Last updated: 13 August 2018

Hurdles as Hadiza plans return to medicine 14/08/2018

Recriminations as doctors celebrate Bawa-Garba win 14/08/2018

'Lessons Must Be Learned': UK Societies on Bawa-Garba Ruling   Medscape Medical News, August 14, 2018

What Lessons Should Be Learned From Bawa-Garba?  Medscape News UK, August 14, 2018

New challenge for Bawa-Garba backers 15/08/2018

Don’t use our fees to pay Bawa-Garba’s court costs, doctors tell GMC   BMJ 2018 (Published 21 August 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;362:k3612

Medical watchdog chief faces calls to step down over Bawa-Garba case   The Guardian 28/08/2018

Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba: GMC boss told position is 'untenable'    BBC News Leicester 28/08/2018

GMC reveals Bawa-Garba court costs 17/10/2018

Law on gross negligence manslaughter is flawed, says leading medical lawyer   Clare Dyer BMJ 2018;363:k4412, Published 18 October 2018

GMC strengthens governance as Bawa-Garba pressure continues  13/11/2018

Bawa-Garba stays suspended 21/12/2018

Bawa-Garba’s suspension is extended by six months owing to personal circumstances   BMJ 2018;363:k5414,  Published 21 December 2018

Criminalisation of unintentional error in healthcare in the UK: a perspective from New Zealand    Published 07 March 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l706

GMC chair calls for more frontline consultant presence in hospitals    Published 08 March 2019: BMJ 2019;364:l1109

Bawa-Garba hoping for practice licence 09/04/2019

Bawa-Garba Granted 2-Year Conditional Registration to Return to Medical Practice    Becky McCall, Medscape News UK, April 09, 2019. "Triple booked, Dr Bawa-Garba was making critical decisions and also doing the scut work and teaching and supervising her team. To borrow an aviation analogy, she was flying the plane and serving food to the passengers."

Hadiza Bawa-Garba can return to practice under close supervision    Published 09 April 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l1702. Clare Dyer

Backing for Bawa-Garba as she plans work return 10/04/2019

Return to practice for Bawa-Garba   BMA  Last updated: 10 April 2019

Shake up doctor investigation process – Bawa-Garba review says today 06/06/2019

Gross negligence manslaughter: call to consider work pressures   BMA Last updated: 06 June 2019

Medical manslaughter: independent review calls for root and branch reform of cases   Published 06 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4106

General Medical Council. Independent review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide. June 2019.

Bawa-Garba: “At rock bottom I had to remember why I wanted to be a doctor”   Published 07 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4130

Bawa-Garba: legal advice to GMC was incorrect, chief executive acknowledges    Published 13 June 2019: BMJ 2019;365:l4218

GMC loses right to appeal tribunal decisions or ask for doctors’ reflective notes    Published 10 July 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l4631

Neurologist gets hearing on Bawa-Garba whistleblowing claim 11/07/2019

Inspectors apologise to paediatrician over whistleblowing   A paediatrician is to get an apology from the Care Quality Commission for its handling of his attempts to blow the whistle on the death of a child. 25/07/2019

GMC fought to erase Bawa-Garba to uphold profession’s reputation    Published 07 August 2019: BMJ 2019;366:l5067

Call for end to unfairly criminalising doctors 17/09/2019

Surgeons warned on expert witness role 14/11/2019

The Royal College of Surgeons issues new guidance for surgeons acting as an expert witness    13 Nov 2019.