Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

NHSE Yorkshire and Humber Coaching Scheme Logo



Coaching Programme

The Deanery coaching programme is open to all Yorkshire and Humber postgraduate doctors and dentists in training, as well as our Senior Educators.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a conversational approach that provides you with time for you to think. Your coach won’t judge you, or give you advice. This means it is ok to talk about anything that you feel gets in the way of you doing your best at work. You can really think things through in a way that is different to talking things over with a friend, partner, TPD or Educational Supervisor - all people who tend to have another agenda for you.  Your coach will support you, and challenge you, if necessary, to help you reach a conclusion that is helpful and meaningful to you.

You can have up to six sessions of free coaching. For some people one or two is enough, for others they may wish to access all six.  Either is fine. Sessions are usually between 60 and 90 minutes each. You will get the most out of your coaching experience if you have all your sessions within a 6-month window. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, we just notice that people get more benefit if they commit to it, rather than let it drift over a longer period of time. 

Your sessions are completely confidential - your coaching is nothing to do with your performance in training, or your ARCP. 

Coaching is a normal professional activity in other high-responsibility jobs. The GMC and Royal Colleges recognise its benefits and coaching appears in many curricula.

To find out more about what Coaching is and how it might benefit you, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Further information about accessing coaching and becoming a coach can be found via the links below.

If you have any questions about our coaching programme, please contact us at:

What is Coaching?











Does Coaching Work?









Can anyone coach me?









How do I get a coach?









What do people talk about in coaching?








Rapid Evaluation of the Coaching Scheme - April 2024

In April 2024, we conducted a rapid evaluation of the coaching scheme. 

If the above is difficult to view, please open it here.

Hear from previous coachees









Watch the full conversation with Amy.









Watch the full conversation with Michael.

Jayasharee - V1








Jayasharee - V2








Watch the full conversation with Jayasharee.