Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Intensive Care Medicine ST3

Intensive Care Medicine in Yorkshire and the Humber

Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) is an exciting and dynamic specialty with the responsibility for caring for the most critically ill patients in hospital. Whilst other medical specialties deal exclusively with specific organs or body systems, ICM encompasses the entire spectrum of medical and surgical pathology. An ICM doctor is able to provide advanced organ support during critical illness and is responsible for coordinating the care of patients on the ICU. ICM is high tech, life saving care that underpins and interacts with all other areas of the hospital. 

It is now possible to train exclusively in ICM in addition to combining it with another specialty. This training programme offers dual training opportunities in

  • Acute Medicine
  • Anaesthesia
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Renal Medicine
  • Respiratory Medicine

Application to the partner specialty is through competitive national interviews. For more information about dual training, please visit the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine website.

In order to assess your suitability for this training programme please refer to the national Person Specifications on the Specialty Training website.

The expected duration of a single CCT ICM programme is five years subject to satisfactory progression. Dual CCTs programmes will inevitably extend your training; the length will depend on your previous experience and chosen partner specialty, though 8.5 years is the common indicative minimum duration.

The actual duration of training may depend on the circumstances of individual trainees.

Further sources of information

The Recruitment Process

The National Recruitment Office for Intensive Care Medicine is the ICM National Recruitment Office.

For information about the recruitment process, including timelines and information about how to apply, please visit their website.


Vacancy details, including indicative vacancy numbers, will be published by the national recruitment office. Please note vacancy information is indicative and subject to change at any time. Please refer to Oriel and the national recruitment office for current vacancy information.

The Core and ACCS Anaesthetics rotations within Yorkshire and the Humber are: West Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, and South Yorkshire. For more information about the Core / ACCS programme, please see School of Anaesthesia pages.

Deferrals may be granted but are only possible for the reasons listed within the Gold Guide. It is only possible to grant deferrals if you have a ‘statutory’ reason, such as ill health or maternity leave. If you are offered a post but do need to defer, we ask that you contact the recruitment team ( as soon as possible after accepting your offer.

All vacancy information is indicative and subject to change at any time.

Programme Information

Rotation Details

Expected rotation arrangements for this training programme can be found via our schools page.