Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

The circumstances and aspirations of individual trainees will of course vary significantly, and we wish to support and accommodate these in a flexible fashion, whenever possible. Some of these situations will be covered in the sections on the left of this page, but trainees should not feel restricted by these headings, and should feel free to discuss their requirements with their educational superviser or TPD in the first place.

In addition to the options below there is also specific help available for doctors who are experiencing difficulties or who may need additional forms of support. In addition to the links on this page, further information can be found in the policies section of the main website.


Less Than Full Time Training

The School is sensitive to the needs of trainees who for personal and domestic reasons legitimately require this form of training, which of course lengthens the duration of training, and accommodates these needs as far as is reasonably possible - on a case-by-case basis.

Further Information

Further information can also be obtained from the Gold Guide

The forms to apply to train less than full time and policies to support the application can be found here.

Acting Up to Consultant

With proper senior supervision, 'Acting Up' to consultant level is regarded as being a valuable training experience towards the end of a training programme. The challenge of a new consultant post can then be met with more confidence, and the CV can be strengthened - thus increasing the chance of success at an Advisory Appointments Committee (AAC) for a substantive consultant post. It is not the same as a Locum Consultant post, which is unsupervised - these are not approved prior to completion of training.

Certain criteria have to be met, approval gained and formal processes followed before 'Acting Up' can take place. 


Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber recognises that on occasion a transfer between LETBs, or even between regions within the same LETB, becomes desirable - usually because of a change in personal circumstances. Whilst sympathetic to trainees in such situations, transfer requests cannot always be accommodated, and this remains a discretionary process rather than an automatic entitlement. Considerable work can be generated by transfer requests, and other trainees and trainers can be inconvenienced and disadvantaged, so well-founded reasons for the transfer request are required. Each case is considered carefully and individually. Formal procedures exist, and further details can be obtained from the main HEYH site, see below.

Further Information

Further details of the guidelines and process of application are available on the policies section.

Out of Programme

On occasion there can be valid reasons for a trainee to request time out of their approved training programme. These can range from health or family issues, a desire to complete research or an opportunity to complete training or experience outside of their chosen programme.

Depending on the specific circumstances there are a number of options to consider:

OOPC (Out of Programme Career Break)

OOPR (Out of programme Research)

OOPT (Out of programme Training)

OOPE (Out of programme Experience)


Further Information

There is a formal application process which must be followed if you wish to be considered for time out of programme.

Please remember that should you be considering any of these you will need to discuss them with both your parent specialty TPDs and your GIM TPDs. 

The OOP (Out of Programme) policies and application forms can be found here.

Further details of the guidelines and process of application can also be obtained from the Gold Guide.