Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Training



Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity are at the heart of the NHS Values. With an increasingly diverse workforce, it is important that we are fostering an inclusive environment for our postgraduate medical and dental Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs), as well as our other colleagues. 

This webpage provides details of available training to enhance your understanding of equality and diversity issues and increase your confidence in creating an inclusive work and training environment. 

Mandatory Equality and Diversity Training

All trainers are required to complete Equality and Diversity training every three years. Moreover, anyone who sits on an interview panel, an ARCP, or appeal panel, or is involved in investigations, especially in relation to bullying and harassment, must have undertaken training in Equality and Diversity. 

The following courses are acceptable to satisfy these mandatory training requirements: 


LGBTQIA+ Awareness

This "Meet the LGTBQIA+ Community" animation introduces the language used in the LGBTQIA+ acronym

This LGBTQIA+ Awareness session will raise awareness of the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) issues that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and other (LGBTQIA+) colleagues might face. It explores what you can do to mitigate against them in a proactive manner and support a more inclusive culture.

Neurodiversity Awareness

We provide a suite of Neurodiversity Awareness Courses and Lunch and Learn Sessions to increase awareness and understanding of neurodivergence, including tools to support  Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) who are neurodiverse and how to develop inclusive training materials and communications. 

NHSE Yorkshire ans Humber have also procured a suite of eLearning modules from neurodiversity specialists, as detailed below.  

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Developed by Lexxic, this course aims to increase awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace and increase inclusivity. By completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand what neurodiversity is and how to talk about it.
  • Use neuro-inclusive communication.
  • Be able to distinguish between common neurodifferences.
  • Be encouraged to think about the unique strengths that neurodivergent individuals bring to the workplace.
  • Understand how neuro differences affect individuals in the workplace.
  • Be able to understand and explain the value of neurodiversity.
  • Understand the key approaches in creating a neuro-inclusive workplace.
  • Be aware of workplace adjustments to empower neurodiversity in the workplace.

Neurodiversity Awareness for Line Managers

Also developed by Lexxic, this course aims to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Condition, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia for people in a management position - or, within our context - anybody who has responsibility for supporting PGDiTs. By completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand and explain the value that neurodivergent individuals bring to the workplace.
  • Understand how neuro differences can impact individuals in the workplace.
  • Discuss how neuro differences can manifest in individuals in the workplace, including possible gender differences.
  • Explain good practices around supporting and empowering neurodivergent individuals in the workplace. 
  • Suggest and implement workplace adjustments to support and empower neurodivergent team members.

Neurodiversity and Me

A ten-module course designed by Genius Within, Neurodiversity and Me has been designed as a personal development course for PGDiTs who experience challenges associated with neurodiversity. However, we also hope it acts as a developmental tool for educators: as a way of increasing your toolkit of approaches to support PGDiTs to develop positive strategies to common challenges – be they neurodivergent or not.  

Each module is informed by research that has identified neurodiverse strengths and challenges in clinical settings, which include:

  • Wellbeing and stress management
  • Managing fatigue and burnout
  • Achieving proactive communication
  • Planning and prioritising work and education commitments
  • Planning revision
  • Memory and recalling information
  • Concentration and focusing
  • Literacy and numeracy
  • Building reflective learning
  • Building confidence, supporting motivation and meeting professional goals. 

The course considers preventative models and strategies to meet workplace and study needs, and encourages to reflection on your own personal experiences to leverage your strengths. Whether you choose to access the full course, or dip into those modules which are best suited to you, we hope you find the resource valuable.

How to access the courses

The eLearning is hosted on our virtual learning platform, Blackboard.

Please read our Guidance on How to access the Neurodiversity eLearning for specific instructions.