Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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There are many sources of information on the web for Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs). We have categorised a number of relevant sites for your convenience.


NHS England working across Yorkshire and Humber is not responsible for the content of any external sites and does not necessarily endorse them.


Sources of Support for Doctors and Dentists

British Medical Association Counselling Service
Confidential Support and Advice Service
 from the Royal College of Surgeons of England 
Medical Defence Union
Medical Protection Society 
Support for Doctors in Difficulty 
from the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund 
Local counselling service: Take Time
Doctors Support Network - a self help group, with a Helpline, for doctors with a range of mental health problems. 
NHS Medical Careers -takes you through the four stages of career planning. Comprehensive data on each medical specialty includes workforce statistics, competition ratios, growth areas and projections about future opportunities.

And for specific groups
Overseas Doctors Training in Anaesthesia in the UK (ODTA-UK) - Written for anaesthetists in particular but with information useful to all specialties. 
Overseas Doctors Community Site - a very useful site with a wide range of advice. However, the jokes section contains material that may be considered offensive - as per our disclaimer below, the Deanery in no way endorse this material. 
HOPE for disabled doctors - support and advice for disabled individuals and their employers / professional bodies. 

Library and Information Services

BUBL Information Service (Bulletin Board for Libraries)
National Library for Health
Cambridge Dictionary online

Regional Resources

To find your local healthcare library go to the Health Libraries and Information Services Directory
NHS staff across Yorkshire and Humber can visit the NHS Evidence website to discover the breadth of resources available electronically.
The resources previously available via the National Library for Health can still be accessed - either by clicking on the "Conduct a specialist search" button on the NHS Evidence home page or by going directly to 
the Library site 
The 33 specialist libraries which existed within the old National Library for Health are still available, under the new name of "specialist collections." They focus on health problems, specific patient groups and aspects of health services (including health management).

Regulatory Organisations