Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Pre-Allocations for Personal Circumstances

There is a UK-wide process for pre-allocation of applicants to particular foundation schools on the grounds of special circumstances. It is run under the governance of the Medical Schools Council (MSC) in collaboration with the UKFPO.

The specific criteria for special circumstances are determined nationally.

If you need to be allocated to a particular UoA due to being the primary carer for a close relative; a parent or legal guardian for a child or children for whom you have significant caring responsibilities; or have a medical condition for which ongoing follow-up in a specified location is an absolute requirement, then you can apply to your medical school for pre-allocation to a particular UoA on the grounds of special circumstances.

Details of the special circumstances criteria and the process for requesting pre-allocation are available on the UKFPO website.

The criteria for being pre-allocated are very strict and you must supply all the required supporting documentation to your UK medical school or the Eligibility Office by the stated deadline. There is no opportunity to provide additional documentation at a later date.

Every effort will be made to honour approved pre-allocations. However, if you do not score highly enough to be on the primary list, you will not be included in the initial allocation.

If there are no places available in your requested UoA at the time you are allocated from the reserve list, you will be allocated elsewhere according to the places available, your score and your stated preferences. For this reason, it is important that you rank all UoAs in order of preference on the application form even if you have been approved for pre-allocation on the grounds of special circumstances.


F1-F2 Pre-Allocations for Personal Circumstances

F1-F2 Pre-Allocations for Personal Circumstances

Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber (HEE YH) Foundation trainees preference a two year programme when applying through the national application process. The HEE YH Foundation School Director has determined that changing your F2 programme is not permitted, except in special circumstances or where the trainee's circumstances have changed since applying for the Foundation Programme or during their F1 year. 

Further information on the application process for special circumstances between F1 and F2 can be found below.